Wow, major firepower up front there. Weirdest thing. I started the race using the peddle fast while countdown underway but when the start occured my avatar just sat there spinning, no catching anyone at that point.
You might be onto something there. How about the crazy leaning Tommy? ghost? Super odd Unity weirdness.
All ghosts are like that. Pretty pathetic!
Dang! To much Sangria consumption going on down at BKool HQ.
@TheCave think you might have beat me on a live race with a dangling carrot in front.
Not sure about that, still finding fitness, the start took a lot out of me on that course, I was pleased with time and want to join in on a live one, went to Aston Villa tonight though, so hopefully on next thursday’s.
Don't tell @Goldwolfie
😂 oops, only just clicked
@Brusgaard are you riding today? I definitely am. But I’ll just be spinning really so don’t worry if you don’t really fancy it I’ll just ride round solo
As said Thursday I’m not riding today. Already started drinking wine!