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:welcome: Chris....another one for the goats league Bill!!
Prefer, doesn't mean I'm good!! Living in Essex I need the BKool for any hills!


Where in Hampshire are you Kip? I'm from Pompey originally and still have family there and in Scumhampton.

I'm in Basingstoke, been here for an eternity. It's pretty decent for cycling though with flats, hills and rolling countryside in different directions. My parents live in Dunkeswell to not far from you in Exeter.


Ok thanks Bill - I'm running my usual Conti GP 4000s II - would you suggest a different tyre for the BKool and if so what? I prefer climbing rather than just hammering flats etc. Also seems tyre pressure makes a difference too. Thanks

This is excellent news because you don't sound quite as reluctant as some of the Mountain Goat members (of which I don't include Runexeter (Mark) as he's always one of the first up) :laugh:. I am no tyre expert but I'm starting to get a feel for what tyre works well for hills or flat. My tacx trainer tyre is good uphills because it allows me to get out of the saddle, where as my Continental Ultra Sport slick tyre seems very good on the flatter rides or uphill as long as you stay sitting. I'm thinking treaded tyres won't be good as the roller will chew up the edges around the tread pattern and cause additional friction which we need to avoid. If your tyre starts to feel sticky (as Adam says like bubble gum) then its probably a good idea to change the tyre and possible the make of tyre.

And I'd suggest try how your tyre feels up the hills. If you can stand up on the pedals on a steep incline at 7 or 8 mph then your tyre is probably a good hill climbing one. If you can't then its possibly better on the flatter rides. I might buy a new wheel and cassette so I can have a choice of tyre depending on the ride.


This is excellent news because you don't sound quite as reluctant as some of the Mountain Goat members (of which I don't include Runexeter (Mark) as he's always one of the first up) :laugh:.

My reluctance is the amount of time it takes me to get to the top of some of these hills, I know I need to get stronger legs and go faster!


My reluctance is the amount of time it takes me to get to the top of some of these hills, I know I need to get stronger legs and go faster!

Well you were pretty darned fast yesterday on the flat. 300+ watts is 300+ watts and I believe you did make more average watts then anyone in the session, so even if a little heavier I think you could get uphill fast. Just looked at Adams Handicap figures and you're well up there in 4th place. Bet I don't get near you in the Dhuez race.


The next Mountain Goat race is Mount Washington Hill Climb.
If I remember right this one is highly technical and very up and down. Gear changing and carrying speed up the next hill is crucial so I'd advise a little practice before putting in your main run. I think there is serious time to be gained by tactical riding here more than any bkool ride I've ridden. So technique and timing on this one could be the decider in this one rather than power. I have only ridden the first 15 mins when I was out looking for suitable stages and this was my conclusion. Should be a lot of fun, and even more so if we can arrange to ride it more than one at a time.


I just noticed that there are no active stages in the Mountain Goat league 3

This is strange because:
Alpe d'Huez closed 06/03/2015 12/03/2015

Colle della Fauniera closed 12/03/2015 18/03/2015

Mt. Washington Hill Climb scheduled 18/03/2015 24/03/2015
(Is this a bkool glitch?)
Mortirolo Alpes Dolomitas scheduled 24/03/2015 30/03/2015

Any ideas Geoff?
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I'm in Basingstoke, been here for an eternity. It's pretty decent for cycling though with flats, hills and rolling countryside in different directions. My parents live in Dunkeswell to not far from you in Exeter.
Ah cool Kip, for a moment I thought you would say you lived in Southampton :laugh: sounds like you got it all there Kip, not many flat places in Devon & Cornwall but its certainly good training.
Yup Been past Dunkeswell a few times, snuggled right next to Honiton.
I guess I have it easy in Hampshire, my roadie is a 50-34 with a 12-25. I like to spin on hills and only get out of the saddle on the steep stuff (15%+). The only hill I have failed on with it was 25%

I'm questioning my setup for Velothon Wales which has a couple of proper hills, The Tumble and Caerphilly Mountain.

The club are doing a ride on good Friday, taking in cheddar gorge so I'll see how my gears and legs cope with that.

The Synapse is a great looking bike, I really like that colour.
I was thinking the same thing about my 50/34 for the opposite reason. I ordered a 53/36 because I don't spin and can't get any watts on flat or downhill. The Google says I need to build up cadence. Ill be working on it.
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I was thinking the same thing about my 50/34 for the opposite reason. I ordered a 53/36 because I don't spin and can't get any watts on flat or downhill. The Google says I need to build up cadence. Ill be working on it.

My next bike will be semi compact (52-36) with a 12-27 on the back. I like my cadence at about 80-85 on the bkool and on the road. If it drops below 65 if feels like a grind and I cant spin much more than about 110 anyway.


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset
2) Yes it definitely would be good to meet up in the summer some time whether its down here or up there, I go up to Tiverton a fair bit but may go onto Taunton, I will be doing parts of this course a bit, if not all of it before the day.
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I do like the way they have made the course in the shape of Britain...sort of.

When I had the bike fit it felt really comfy, I think those 700x28c tyres are going to be plush on the roads around here, and yes I loved the colour as it stands out, a head turner.
I had to go to Triuk in Yeovil to get it as the only Cannondale stockist in Exeter had sold his few and said they were not giving him anymore, don't know if you have been in Triuk Geoff but talk about kid in a sweet shop, I never seen so many different bikes! :blink:

I was wondering whether to do one of those, Westpoint is so easy to get to. I did some training runs for it last year, but never got round to entering it in the end.

I see the route no longer appears to go up Salcombe Road Hill, which is a relief. It does go within a few yards of my Wife's Sister's house!

Which route were you going to do? The Epic does come up almost to Wellington, so not too far from us. It does look a bit like Britain, not really noticed that before!

Both of my regular cycling buddies bought their bikes from there, so we cycled there and back last summer for a first service, good ride, lovely weather, but 112 km so a bit knackering. Had a good gawk at all the bling and had a nice lunch in the cafe.

I tend to give all my business to our local bike shop though, prefer to be a big customer in a small local shop, rather than just another customer for a massive outlet.

I've bought 5 bikes there in the last 2 years (Wife's, Daughters, new bike for turbo, etc.) including a couple of quite stupidly expensive ones! :eek:

I was wondering whether to do one of those, Westpoint is so easy to get to. I did some training runs for it last year, but never got round to entering it in the end.

I see the route no longer appears to go up Salcombe Road Hill, which is a relief. It does go within a few yards of my Wife's Sister's house!

Which route were you going to do? The Epic does come up almost to Wellington, so not too far from us. It does look a bit like Britain, not really noticed that before!

Both of my regular cycling buddies bought their bikes from there, so we cycled there and back last summer for a first service, good ride, lovely weather, but 112 km so a bit knackering. Had a good gawk at all the bling and had a nice lunch in the cafe.

I tend to give all my business to our local bike shop though, prefer to be a big customer in a small local shop, rather than just another customer for a massive outlet.

I've bought 5 bikes there in the last 2 years (Wife's, Daughters, new bike for turbo, etc.) including a couple of quite stupidly expensive ones! :eek:

I not looked at the route in detail, I'm a bit disappointed its not going up Salcombe hill tbh, if you watch the video for the ride you will see riders walking up a big hill under trees and that's the only hill I can think of that they would walk up :laugh: at about 2.16 on video.


I'm doing the Epic Geoff i,e the Tour of Britain :bicycle:

Sounded like a nice ride, even nicer with a cake stop, 5 bikes....I think you have to much money Geoff.
I not looked at the route in detail, I'm a bit disappointed its not going up Salcombe hill tbh, if you watch the video for the ride you will see riders walking up a big hill under trees and that's the only hill I can think of that they would walk up :laugh: at about 2.16 on video.


I'm doing the Epic Geoff i,e the Tour of Britain :bicycle:

Sounded like a nice ride, even nicer with a cake stop, 5 bikes....I think you have to much money Geoff.

With only 14 miles of road system on our island, that video makes me as envious as your new bike.


Geoff on Bkool
South Somerset

I was wondering if I could join in for some race. I was watching your “flat race” yesterday and actually shut down the TV and watched it to the end.
Not sure which league (you have two?), but I would probably only be able to race weekends.

Lars B.

The Chain Gang have a group ride on a Saturday at 5pm, the same stage as on the Thursday night before.

If you request to join the CycleChat Chain Gang group just post here what your Bkool name is (in case it's not obvious) so I can link it with your CycleChat name.

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