Team BKool CycleChat

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Large Member
In all fairness, he/she was a bit of a nobber anyway...

...but not anymore...

I didn't follow Pro Cycling in the Millar era but I have read many of his reports etc attached to Cycling News and they are all pretty fair so I not sure why you consider him/her a nobber?
Prey tell me your views, I am interested and not scorning your comment.


Large Member
Where the nearest trading standards office. That was bait and switch if ever there was one :bicycle::sweat::boxing::B)

@Jim Brown thanks for the encouragemnent. My legs went elsewhere with about 7k to go just as @AAAC 76C went by. Nothing there so I had to back right off.

A sub 1 hour is a possibility now I know that those little bumps are not as small or short as they look. So I will not burn the legs getting over the initial bump. But I'll not be tempted to have another go this week xx(

I had just come from an 8.6 km tough climb little in the BKool featured ride today.
Had a bit of an odd turbo experience in that session where I did the norm sprint from the line and kind of waited for the resistance to kick in and nowt was happening so I sat up and waited for the guy behind to catch me.
As he approached it kicked in hard and I had to put a big effort in to get up to speed again.
We had a bit of a too and fro race with the other guy where he excelled on the steeper climbs and I would peg him back when the slopes got less steep.
I gave it my all in the last few hundred metres and left him behind.
I felt embarrassed about the turbo moment at the start so I didn't save the session.
I went from there after a bit of a cool down straight into the CG ride.
Being well behind I set of at a reasonable pace when @Brusgaard popped up behind me so I slowed in order to have some company on the ride but he slowed too, or appeared to.
I then gave up on that an set off in earnest after Whorty stupidly thinking I could catch him before the descending started and try hitching a lift.
I arrived at the top still some distance behind and a bit bushed so I recovered a bit and tried a few on offs which seemed to make some headway.
After that every time we came to an ascent or less of a climb I would get tantalisingly close but no close enough.
As the descents went on my ability to continue with the 'interval training' diminished so I started to save myself for the flatter kilometers towards the end and it payed off.
I was 100% surprised to best @BILL S by so much as you can't believe how many times I came close to bailing which is shown by cadence dips without a peak in my stats.


Large Member
A joke @AAAC 76C, as in had tackle once and now tackle free...

I see.
I was being a bit slow.

I am being very careful with innuendo and contact based on the current crisis in the elected House.
I've created a body bumper out of an old hoola hoop and some braces to wear at work in order that I don't inadvertently have any physical contact with my work colleagues, male or female.
I'm getting a bit nervous should any of the 'occurrences' from my past in the Messes and clubs in Gemany, Northern Ireland and Norway come to light.

Good to know that its a dismissible offence in the UK but in the US it helps you get elected..

Daddy Pig

I see.
I was being a bit slow.

I am being very careful with innuendo and contact based on the current crisis in the elected House.
I've created a body bumper out of an old hoola hoop and some braces to wear at work in order that I don't inadvertently have any physical contact with my work colleagues, male or female.
I'm getting a bit nervous should any of the 'occurrences' from my past in the Messes and clubs in Gemany, Northern Ireland and Norway come to light.

Good to know that its a dismissible offence in the UK but in the US it helps you get elected..
Not sure a giant hula hoops will work... you'll get all sorts of people trying to nibble you :eek:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I had just come from an 8.6 km tough climb little in the BKool featured ride today.
Had a bit of an odd turbo experience in that session where I did the norm sprint from the line and kind of waited for the resistance to kick in and nowt was happening so I sat up and waited for the guy behind to catch me.
As he approached it kicked in hard and I had to put a big effort in to get up to speed again.
We had a bit of a too and fro race with the other guy where he excelled on the steeper climbs and I would peg him back when the slopes got less steep.
I gave it my all in the last few hundred metres and left him behind.
I felt embarrassed about the turbo moment at the start so I didn't save the session.
I went from there after a bit of a cool down straight into the CG ride.
Being well behind I set of at a reasonable pace when @Brusgaard popped up behind me so I slowed in order to have some company on the ride but he slowed too, or appeared to.
I then gave up on that an set off in earnest after Whorty stupidly thinking I could catch him before the descending started and try hitching a lift.
I arrived at the top still some distance behind and a bit bushed so I recovered a bit and tried a few on offs which seemed to make some headway.
After that every time we came to an ascent or less of a climb I would get tantalisingly close but no close enough.
As the descents went on my ability to continue with the 'interval training' diminished so I started to save myself for the flatter kilometers towards the end and it payed off.
I was 100% surprised to best @BILL S by so much as you can't believe how many times I came close to bailing which is shown by cadence dips without a peak in my stats.
View attachment 381528
I would have been quite surprised had you caught me as I wasn't in the ride but instead sat on my sofa watching TV ! Anyone know how I did? :tongue:


I had just come from an 8.6 km tough climb little in the BKool featured ride today.
Had a bit of an odd turbo experience in that session where I did the norm sprint from the line and kind of waited for the resistance to kick in and nowt was happening so I sat up and waited for the guy behind to catch me.
As he approached it kicked in hard and I had to put a big effort in to get up to speed again.
We had a bit of a too and fro race with the other guy where he excelled on the steeper climbs and I would peg him back when the slopes got less steep.
I gave it my all in the last few hundred metres and left him behind.
I felt embarrassed about the turbo moment at the start so I didn't save the session.
I went from there after a bit of a cool down straight into the CG ride.
Being well behind I set of at a reasonable pace when @Brusgaard popped up behind me so I slowed in order to have some company on the ride but he slowed too, or appeared to.
I then gave up on that an set off in earnest after Whorty stupidly thinking I could catch him before the descending started and try hitching a lift.
I arrived at the top still some distance behind and a bit bushed so I recovered a bit and tried a few on offs which seemed to make some headway.
After that every time we came to an ascent or less of a climb I would get tantalisingly close but no close enough.
As the descents went on my ability to continue with the 'interval training' diminished so I started to save myself for the flatter kilometers towards the end and it payed off.
I was 100% surprised to best @BILL S by so much as you can't believe how many times I came close to bailing which is shown by cadence dips without a peak in my stats.
View attachment 381528
I was also surprised you bested me by so much AAAC. I gave that one my best shot and put as much thought as possible into how to spread my effort to do the uphills as quick as possible while watching the downhill speed too. Funny thing is that you didn't visually seem to be going that much quicker than me so I thought you might be taking it easy until I saw the results later on.
I hope the other rides I picked aren't as tough as that one. Apologies to anyone (including myself) who was hoping for a nice easy league this month. :blush:


BTW @Jim Brown Thanks for the messages last night. For the first time in over a year I've actually been able to read the ones that pop up at the side of the screen because bkool has done something about fixing the text size during their last update. The other notable improvement to me was that it was possible to really put on the power during the transition to an uphill and keep a nice bit of realistic feeling momentum going to get up the hill rather than being hit with a sudden dead stop. never thought I'd say this but bkool is getting better. :smile:


^_^ Luckily for me I'll be out tomorrow so can't start the re-run.
Anyone fancy setting up the ride with available ghosts and starting the ride at 5pm? Don't forget to turn off the weather. Also beware of the possible glitch of the ride starting as soon as you get to the start line. That happened last night so I had to restart it. No problems with the restart though.

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
^_^ Luckily for me I'll be out tomorrow so can't start the re-run.
Anyone fancy setting up the ride with available ghosts and starting the ride at 5pm? Don't forget to turn off the weather. Also beware of the possible glitch of the ride starting as soon as you get to the start line. That happened last night so I had to restart it. No problems with the restart though.

Sunday looks nice up here so there may be time for some real world action. All which means, no re-run for me on Saturday.

Unless I change my mind. :scratch: In which case, I’ll see who,s there Saturday. Unless I have something better to do.
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