OK, just done an experiment on SC stage 9 - well the start of it anyway.
Started riding normally, then used remote to cut power to the trainer at 1 mile, 2 miles , 3 miles etc. When the power is turned off, the speed, power etc stay the same for a period of time (30 seconds-ish?), before starting to drop to zero, so you only get short bursts of advantage. I switched the power back on once the speed started to drop.
It would therefore be very "convenient" if you had a power fault with your trainer that only cut off power for short periods that were within this window before your speed started to drop.....
Here's what it looks like:
View attachment 371097
I have done a similar experiment before, by accident in one case in the velodrome.
My power cable was not fully engaged and we were on some kind of team effort and I was a lap behind so I waited for Bill and some others to give them a tow as they were close to leading and I though I could use my last effort to bridge them over.
I put in a big effort to accelerate to their speed and that must have pulled the cable and I ended up shooting around the drome at over 65 kph and caught everyone up and I think I won as well. (just remembered it was a BKool televised event)
More to the point I have done the remote electrical power off before and at one time it would go for about two minutes at constant speed and power.
This was an early fix because before it would drop out almost immediately and terminate your session.
I didn't think it lasted as long as 30 seconds now but i take Bridgy's owrd as he has proven it does.
Also you cannot maintain an exact power in erg, especially on a non track course, and your speed will vary with the conditions even if your power is almost flat.
Lastly Pep's graphs have be doing this for a while,even in the last Summer Cup so I don't think it is anything to do with a beta model more a faulty trainer or dare I say it
'electro doping'.
I've said it before it's a shame because I know I would notice this sort of power behaviour whilst I was riding so it is hard to understand why someone as good as Pep would want to save session that looked like that.
Perhaps it is just a protest against the Elites.
I do need to behave though as I deliberately used my Classic Hybrid in a previous summer cup because there were a load of real dodgy rides on the leader board so I though sod you, take some of this but still didn't win. Blimmin knackered myself trying though.
Those were the days when I could spin up to a good speed and bump my BPM up to more than 160 in less than a minute (yes as high as that) and hold it for the whole session.