Firstly, hello all - hope you're all well & enjoying your cycling.
Im after some technical help - the resistance on my bkool trainer has stopped working, doesn't alter when going up hill. When you switch the trainer on the magnets are moving (start up procedure) but that's all. Anyone experienced this with their trainer before and if so did you fix it.
Many thanks Carlo
If I exit BSim and turn of my turbo, leave it a minute and turn it on the magnets motor in a half inch or so and stop.
If I leave it like that and then enter BSim and join a session they motor back to the stop.
If yours are not moving back it could be the stepper motor is getting weak.
Check your DC supply is correctly engaged and hence not causing a supply voltage drop.
Try giving then some assistance to see if they move or, if you can, remove the magnets or the flywheel to see if the motor then operates.
Also check the earth continuity from the stepper body and the PCB stepper ground connection
If you are clever enough check the outputs from the PCB and if you can work that out try a direct input to the stepper.
If that fails let me know or buy a TAXC Neo and Zwift away.