The 'undercarriage' area gets sore the longer I go on. Mostly due to excess moisture build up (In what way us you current saddle bad for you.
The dreaded perineum pressure or butt blemishes?

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The 'undercarriage' area gets sore the longer I go on. Mostly due to excess moisture build up (In what way us you current saddle bad for you.
The dreaded perineum pressure or butt blemishes?
@rob01792 and @Jim Brown
I think i have 23 tyres and pressure is only about 85 (the pump I have can't seem to pump pressure any higher!). I was going to change the tyres for the DD to 25 (or 28?) for a less hard ride.So much to think about ... so little time or knowledge LOL
Thanks for all the help guys![]()
Which results are you talking about? In all honesty, you seemed to be waiting for me at that last km, so I thought why not have a go at it. :-) Your average watts were way below your standard, where as I actually gained a level (now Active 8), so you would have no trouble beating me, had you wanted to. You can watch the race again here:
I will be running 28 scwalbe Ones. The conti 4 seasons are a tough but sufficiently supple tyre to be both puncture proof, comfortable and fast.
Training for TDY and DD was going fine, but after yesterdays long ride, I have developed what can only describe as bollock pain. I also have a strain in my lower back. They might be connected with a nerve trapped or something. Why does this have to happen, mileage was building nicely with no issues whilst riding 60+ miles non stop. Now this
Ill wait till Sunday for another ride and gauge how I get on
Still not certain if I can do the DD, but prep is going well, 320 miles in Majorca done including mountains, 83 mile flat sportive done, new bike with 29 cassette (but messed up and is running 52/36 on the front!). 23c fast rolling tyres at 100 psi. New saddle seems to be ok, new chaomis cream is good. Smaller saddle bag to stop me carryng extra unnessecary weight sorted. Many left over apple crumble flavoured gels from Majorca. Weight stable at 74kg.
Can you not get yourself neutered to get rid of the pain?![]()
Can you not get yourself neutered to get rid of the pain?![]()
74Kg Ha you'll have no problems with hills, Paul,To give you an experience, you carry my water bottles and saddle bag full of food for me to even up the weight
Feeling slightly smug this afternoon, my truck's headlights started playing up a few weeks ago and I eventually lost high beams all together and one dipped. I had to order a workshop manual from the USA, to tell me that the headlights are electronic driven by 'field effect transistors'(FET) and if the car detects a short/problem it will protect the circuitry by disabling the system.
To reset the system you need a Ford Diagnostic VCM/IDS system. So I either order Ford kit with yearly licence $850or I take a gamble with Chinese clone, much much much cheaper.
Problem you need to install on a PC with VMware (winXP) and do some jiggery pokery whilst installing said software.Many hours later, error codes read on truck, cleared and lights all working again. So I thought I would use an isolation relaycircuit to headlights, this doesn't seem to work right. So I dismantled circuitry and found wires had been fitted backwards on multi plug, refitted wires correctly and will fit to truck tomorrow
The Chaingang results. You don't appear to be a member of the group. Would be worth you joining seeing as you are at most of the races. And yes, I took it easy at the end so we could hopefully have a race to the line. I was not disappointed![]()