I found some new 'Jim' friends tonight on Zwift. Pushed me to my limits and just pulled away from me towards the end. Ended up having a good scrap with 6 or 7 similarly powered riders so really enjoyed it. Like the old days with GW & Rob (who also always beat meWell I found my own fun tonight, similar to that when I first got the Bkool a year or so ago. I warmed up in the velodrome (which I think is great) and found a friendwho helped me set a few pb's - Thank you, then I cycled the last WC stage with a few like minded ghosts and a few bots - just like the old days. With a punk rock sound track I spent an hour and half with my thoughts.
In summary, I'm renewing.
Here's to old virtual friends and new ones still to come..![]()