Bill, what I am really saying is bkool turbos's don't read accurate power anywhere

. (but yours seems way off the scale!!)We know that from when Lars and others compare bkool units and external power meters in BSIM. Lots of bkool users have either purchased power meters for Zwift and TR etc or turbos's that can be calibrated. As racing develops in Zwift especially for cat A it seems unlikely that non calibrable turbos will be allowed. But that's a way off yet. You , Bridgy and AAAC and DP are certainly cat B and probably Cat A.
I always have it on 100% as I did with the pro. I should say the pro becomes more accurate in Zwift the steeper the gradient. Try it up box hill.
Actually I now drop to 50-75% for sub 2 rides which are slower otherwise I grind rather than spin up a hill.
If you do sign up and you have an Apple device then do through the PC/laptop.Its cheaper and then you can download the iOS app for free. And don't forget the Zwift link.