The short version
The seemingly never ending saga of Bkool software/website quirks
The long version
I have over the last week or so been trying to set up 2 sessions on Bkool. It was to be a single velodrome session that went 100 miles, I suggested a velo session and then London to Brighton session but was over ruled. Unfortunately there is a limit on the number of laps you can stipulate for a session. It is 400 laps or 100 km. That's ok, not a big issue, just a bit of a pain. So I set about generating 2 sessions.
1: 62.5km velo session and 1: 100 km velo session.
To spice things up I thought I'd add a series of 1, 2 or 3 lap sprints. As 650 laps with nothing other than round and round would go south very quickly.
Anywho. I set about inputting the splits onto the 2 sessions and everything looked good so I scheduled them. They appeared in my schedule. Great all ready to go. I then looked at the session in my list, hold on! Where have all the splits gone?

Got the starts but not the ends

. WTF!!!!!!!!!
It seems a though any splits, as intervals, turn into single points if you go back to edit the session

. You have to be 100% satisfied that you have set up the session right and schedule it and then leave it alone if you want to have the splits you have input. I can live with that but it's damn frustrating.
Now, I wanted to test a few shorter sessions to make sure that the intervals worked and gave results that could be used.
The first one I did seemed to not look right in Bsim. So I came out of it in Bsim and then opened my scheduled rides on the Bkool site to edit it.

Where has the edit function gone? It seems that if you open a session you have created in Bsim, you lose the ability to edit that session on the website.
No seriously I didn't give up

. But I thought what if I could combine the two quirks. Set-up the session on the website and then view it in Bsim to lock it down so it can't be edited. So that what I did. I set-up a short velo session with a series of 1 lap intervals. I tested that session and everything appeared to work correctly
With a nice list of sprint times etc.

pace was not quick but I wasn't going for that.
In summation.
If you are setting intervals in a session don't be tempted to go back and edit the session or you'll be redoing all the work you have just done.