I was thinking about the watts issue I may have, and recalled that when I had the resistance issue with the classic trainer (stuck at 2% ish), the watts displayed in BSIM changed relevant to the gradient (ie when I was on a descent the watts dropped off, and when on a climb the watts increased even thought the turbo itself wasn't changing resistance). My conclusion is that watts must be calculated in BSIM from the speed and possibly cadence from the turbo, based on the gradient you're in at the time.
The speed last night was fairly static within gradients, the cadence was rubbish (130 - 140 up hill, I would estimate my actual at 75 - 80). The cadence sensor I had, went back with the classic, so I'll buy a new one for the pro, put a USB extension lead in place so the ANT+ dongle is closer to the turbo and see what readings I get after that. That said as you don't need a cadence sensor, maybe it doesn't have any impact on watts at all.
I was looking forward to the Thursday night velodrome session, but have been informed we're going out with friends so I wont be able to join you all, I will be there for next weeks (Tuesdays ride?). I will be doing some velodrome intervals tonight to punish myself for missing tomorrow!