Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I'm just in the process of creating the following user names:

Mad Doug Baker
Mad Doug Breaker
Mad Doug Beaker
Mad Doug Breakfast

And when I've done that I'll look at

The class of 33

and so on.......

I wouldn't be doing that up there Rocky as they are both a bit too close for comfort.


Leg End Member


Vice Admiral
There was a dragonfly in the garden this afternoon.

Tasha the cat is now in the dog house!


Leg End Member
Bolt the doors and remain vigilant:ph34r:

Blimey, you'll give me nightmares....:eek:
See what someone said about me 20 Oct 2012.
What problem, TVC is not a problem,

Arhh so you are a Terry Prachett character from the Guild of Thieves ?
Didn't you know? There's now two TVC's!
No, this one is based on real life, not a book. Look a bit futher down the list or try "Beggars Litany" mis-quoted version.

@Rockymountain has gone quiet. I wonder why.


Vice Admiral
Luca has a certain je ne sais quoi.:heat:

I think you need to give the young Salvio a chance though. ^_^

Has anyone been watching "What Remains" on Sunday evenings, BBC1? If I was writing it, or guessing whodunnit, I would say the retired Policeman did it.
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