Leg End Member
Well yer going to get her jaw dropping for the wrong reasons if she sees you taking the lights down.Nah, I'll just spoil her, it's a grandparents job to.
Knew someone who worked in a sugar products factory..
1 kilo at a time...(not all at once)
As a yunc I lived across from the local docks, sugar was the main import, palm oils and occasional banana boats....
the air was always fragrant *not*
Parcels appearing for youngest Mhor..
no delivery details yet..
its the Royal Mail one, local office murder for package delivery, no warning and if email, never at times....
oh well, rain check on brekkie..
I could be a grumpy Bob today..
Parents worked in two of the local large local employers. Biscuits and sweets. Used to get 10lb boxes of biscuits or similar weight in sweets.
Sounds just like the air in the town centre, especially on warm summer days. Slaughter house on the lower side o'town, now regarded as the town centre. People avoided parking in the area at times.
You ever get a trip on the banana boats?
What's she been buying now!
Sounds familiar, and often its a card shoved through the letterbox saying sorry they missed you. Even if you were in when they "called and attempted delivery".
Aborted brekkie! What'll you do now...
You be Grumpy Bob today, Sleepy Bob tomorrow...