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Leg End Member
I do have almost 40 years of mowing experience....
The idea was to stone the whole back since we moved in but Mrs M decided the kids need something to play on.
I'll mow weekly to get the grass back looking trim.

I'm more a tea person again...
two coffees in almost 3 months....garden centre ones.
Got a taste for orange juice...
More shocking is, one bottle of cider in who knows how long.....weeks? months?
The other day was national beer day too
And you want to replace that forty years with a robot...
It'd have been harder to get grass growing if you'd stoned it. Unless you didn't want it growing, or unable to cut it.
The kids might have enjoyed it being stoned. Throwing them around, making a noise with them. Think of the fun they could have had.

You wouldn't go down the caffeine free road for yer coffee?
Not even a McD's coffee in that time, that's a wee change in so shorta time.
Used to drink apple juice, stopped when I got told it were bad for me. Many moons ago.
If you're not consuming yer cider, who is? Can't be the two youngest sneaking a quick drink whilst there's no-one watching, could it!!
Missed that one, next time maybe...
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