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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Just come on this phillistines. During the war years we lived on wood pigeon, rabbit and the occasional pheasant. Had whatever my father was able to get and he was an expert poacher.
More recently we had the occasional red deer stagger in our kitchen door and drop dead as well as salmon who jumped the whole way from the river.
I became a fairly expert butcher. All good stuff.

Fished the bulk of my life,
have tried the 101 ways to eat cod...
I am not a fan of farmed salmon..
fresh salmon, yes
I'm keen to try a new species but revert back to cod, haddies, herring in its various forms.
Wed is normal fish day
Tried game when I was a pearl diver in a well known hotel at the start of the 70s, nah, just couldn't get the taste for it.
I'm a softie...
I stick now to what I know..


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Fished the bulk of my life,
have tried the 101 ways to eat cod...
I am not a fan of farmed salmon..
fresh salmon, yes
I'm keen to try a new species but revert back to cod, haddies, herring in its various forms.
Wed is normal fish day
Tried game when I was a pearl diver in a well known hotel at the start of the 70s, nah, just couldn't get the taste for it.
I'm a softie...
I stick now to what I know..

One of my sons was a fish farmer so we got a few salmon which seemed ok.
I did a lot of sea fishing and even tried conger which I got in my creels sometimes. As a scuba diver we had lots of scallops. Prawns and lobster I got in my creels.
We lived well then but I am sadly now too old for such pastimes.:sad:


Leg End Member
Good morning :hello:
they threaten a heatwave, eh?
or is that the SE obsessed media throwing us the forecast for the SE again..
Emails from Maccys and others about the football..
thinking us sweaty socks are still interested in THAT team
TV still stuffing it down our face with the now standard visit to the THEIR training camp..
No wonder I only watched our matches from kick off to 90 mins plus failure..
Thank goodness for excellent cycling coverage...
It also drowns out the tennis junkie who lives downstairs..
it sounds suggestive with all the oohs and aaaaaaaahs and Muppet calls.
Maybe I should get out more...
They can threaten all they want, it'll not happen. Emergency measures brought in due to the driest first half of a year, possibly. Heatwave, I doubt it.
Just the one e-mail from each sender?
Just as well you don't get a newspaper, it takes up the entire "sports section" in most, along with a bit more chucked in elsewhere.
Scotland were in the euros?
A decent set of headphones would drown them out as well. Is there much being said as you watch Le Tour in action?
Tennis will cease to be shown when your local(Scottish) player drops out.
Maybe you should, but do you have the time to do so.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
One of my sons was a fish farmer so we got a few salmon which seemed ok.
I did a lot of sea fishing and even tried conger which I got in my creels sometimes. As a scuba diver we had lots of scallops. Prawns and lobster I got in my creels.
We lived well then but I am sadly now too old for such pastimes.:sad:

I stayed 71-77 in a now fading seaside resort on the Clyde, we'd take orders for conger from a local restaurant/takeaway for conger, apparently a good substitute for something served normally in breadcrumbs.
I tried conger in all forms and like pike, I just couldn't like it.
We got queenies from the fishing boats in season,
boiled in sea water...superb.
Funnily, farmed rainbows, smoked are the bees knees..
and that from a sea trout fan..
A lot of folk don't realise how many sea trout feed in estuaries waiting to head back up river, the Clyde was teeming with them.
As for shellfish, tons of all types way back...
If you found a 'clabbie' bed you told NO ONE..
not had a boiling of whelks in years, must pick them myself...
Aye, even on an industrial riverside the sea could feed you well.
Across the river was best for shellfish though (in the built up areas)

Where's my pair of kippers :laugh:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
They can threaten all they want, it'll not happen. Emergency measures brought in due to the driest first half of a year, possibly. Heatwave, I doubt it.
Just the one e-mail from each sender?
Just as well you don't get a newspaper, it takes up the entire "sports section" in most, along with a bit more chucked in elsewhere.
Scotland were in the euros?
A decent set of headphones would drown them out as well. Is there much being said as you watch Le Tour in action?
Tennis will cease to be shown when your local(Scottish) player drops out.
Maybe you should, but do you have the time to do so.

We are promised heavy rain..
I have an busy inbox from an early flurry yesterday.
Ordered all sorts of connectors (another couple to order),
I'm just cutting out the middlemen:cuppa:

Dunno, Mrs M can have it on tv for hours..
a loop job when yer man was playing..
You dunno how much the Davis Cup has cost me over the years esp when in Glasgow....

Yeah, the less said the better..
Toodles is wreaking havoc as I write..


Leg End Member
We are promised heavy rain..
I have an busy inbox from an early flurry yesterday.
Ordered all sorts of connectors (another couple to order),
I'm just cutting out the middlemen:cuppa:

Dunno, Mrs M can have it on tv for hours..
a loop job when yer man was playing..
You dunno how much the Davis Cup has cost me over the years esp when in Glasgow....

Yeah, the less said the better..
Toodles is wreaking havoc as I write..
Now is that a Scottish, local, forecast or one from down south?
It's easing here for the time being.
Don't blame you, they all want their cut, and the fewer there are the less that'll be added on as it gets to you.

Take it you don't go in for all that grunting and the like.
He's out!
Ever buy anything for yerself, an overpriced pint in a pub, that sort o'thing.

Toodles still causing you problems?
Sit her down on the naughty step.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I stayed 71-77 in a now fading seaside resort on the Clyde, we'd take orders for conger from a local restaurant/takeaway for conger, apparently a good substitute for something served normally in breadcrumbs.
I tried conger in all forms and like pike, I just couldn't like it.
We got queenies from the fishing boats in season,
boiled in sea water...superb.
Funnily, farmed rainbows, smoked are the bees knees..
and that from a sea trout fan..
A lot of folk don't realise how many sea trout feed in estuaries waiting to head back up river, the Clyde was teeming with them.
As for shellfish, tons of all types way back...
If you found a 'clabbie' bed you told NO ONE..
not had a boiling of whelks in years, must pick them myself...
Aye, even on an industrial riverside the sea could feed you well.
Across the river was best for shellfish though (in the built up areas)

Where's my pair of kippers :laugh:

Never liked clabbie doo or what we called dog whelks either. Mussels were good tho’.
There was a boat line fished out of Tobermory for dogfish which was not my favourite but there was a big market in England where they were sold as Rock Salmon.
When line fishing myself I chucked the doggies back as we were after pollock or cod.
The grounds we fished near Calgary Point are now pretty dead I suspect.


Leg End Member
Me, me, me..
I have been passing on certain responsibilities to Mrs M, doing fine.
Young 'uns just too little yet although they show how good they are at watering.

I better move it, out this am..
You certain of that?
And she's passed some extra onto you.
With their watering can or yours.

Hop yer AM out was all you expected it to be, if not better.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Never liked clabbie doo or what we called dog whelks either. Mussels were good tho’.
There was a boat line fished out of Tobermory for dogfish which was not my favourite but there was a big market in England where they were sold as Rock Salmon.
When line fishing myself I chucked the doggies back as we were after pollock or cod.
The grounds we fished near Calgary Point are now pretty dead I suspect.

Calgary Point is nice....
not the climb out of it over to Achleck..(I couldn't remember that name and google was my pal), my first day in my round Mull cycle...)
The next day I saw Mr Classic

I learned to fear and look for jump offs if I saw a motorhome coming towards me, scary stuff(I think I bored you with bit before).
my late dad, left them in salty water overnight, shelled them and covered them in some salt then washed it off, dabbed them dry , coated them in egg wash then battered them and you've guessed it, in the days of using dripping too.
Like most deep fried, inside is always okay is dripping or oil is at the correct temperature.

I wasn't a dog whelk fan but the cod loved them...
just the common ones I'd get my pin ready for..
I was at Fort Bill the other week and tide was lowish, I should have done a picking, picnic area just out of Corran...


Leg End Member
Calgary Point is nice....
not the climb out of it over to Achleck..(I couldn't remember that name and google was my pal), my first day in my round Mull cycle...)
The next day I saw Mr Classic
View attachment 737004
I learned to fear and look for jump offs if I saw a motorhome coming towards me, scary stuff(I think I bored you with bit before).
my late dad, left them in salty water overnight, shelled them and covered them in some salt then washed it off, dabbed them dry , coated them in egg wash then battered them and you've guessed it, in the days of using dripping too.
Like most deep fried, inside is always okay is dripping or oil is at the correct temperature.

I wasn't a dog whelk fan but the cod loved them...
just the common ones I'd get my pin ready for..
I was at Fort Bill the other week and tide was lowish, I should have done a picking, picnic area just out of Corran...
He's an impostor, that's not me.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Now is that a Scottish, local, forecast or one from down south?
It's easing here for the time being.
Don't blame you, they all want their cut, and the fewer there are the less that'll be added on as it gets to you.

Take it you don't go in for all that grunting and the like.
He's out!
Ever buy anything for yerself, an overpriced pint in a pub, that sort o'thing.

Toodles still causing you problems?
Sit her down on the naughty step.

Poor wee soul was under the weather
but soon livened up...
She does sit on the bottom step, trying to sneak upstairs.
yeah, across the border :laugh:

Rain came in with a vengeance.
15.2 mm of..


Leg End Member
Poor wee soul was under the weather
but soon livened up...
She does sit on the bottom step, trying to sneak upstairs.
yeah, across the border :laugh:

Rain came in with a vengeance.
15.2 mm of..
Nowt serious were it?
She should be sat still, not trying to get up them. Let her know her limit.
Stocking up on liquid supplies as an extra to the main purpose of the trip.

Been raining here since before midnight last night. Has eased at times, but not stopped yet.
Heatwave forecast to start tomorrow as well. Can't see it happening now.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Morning all :hello:

I asked Chat Thingy about Tuesdays
  1. Tuesdays may not always get the spotlight, but they hold their own magic. Let’s explore the uplifting aspects of this often underrated day:
    1. New Beginnings: Tuesdays are like fresh canvases waiting for your brushstrokes. They offer a chance to reset, recalibrate, and start anew. As the sun rises, so does your opportunity for a positive shift1.
    2. Attitude Adjustment: Remember that an attitude is contagious. On this Tuesday, choose optimism, kindness, and resilience. Your positivity can ripple through the day, touching lives in unexpected ways2.
    3. Less Pressure: Unlike manic Mondays, Tuesdays arrive with less intensity. The frenzy of the week’s start has settled, allowing you to breathe and focus on what truly matters.
    4. Productivity Boost: Tuesdays strike a balance. You’re not battling the weekend hangover or the midweek slump. It’s the sweet spot where productivity blooms. Harness this energy to conquer your goals1.
    5. Community Service: Consider dedicating a moment to others. Tuesdays are perfect for small acts of kindness—whether it’s helping a neighbor, volunteering, or simply spreading smiles. Your actions can brighten ordinary days2.
    6. Terrific Tuesday: Yes, it’s a thing! The phrase “Have a terrific Tuesday” encapsulates the desire for a day filled with positive experiences and good things. So embrace it wholeheartedly3.
    7. Sunrise Blessings: Imagine the sun painting the sky in hues of hope. Let this Tuesday morning be the start of something wonderful—a day where you rise and shine with purpose1.
    Remember, my friend, Tuesdays are like hidden gems waiting to be discovered. May yours be filled with joy, growth, and unexpected blessings! 🌟


Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nowt serious were it?
She should be sat still, not trying to get up them. Let her know her limit.
Stocking up on liquid supplies as an extra to the main purpose of the trip.

Been raining here since before midnight last night. Has eased at times, but not stopped yet.
Heatwave forecast to start tomorrow as well. Can't see it happening now.

Just a temperature..
more likely from the MACH2 speed she moves around at:laugh:

Liquids and fruit supplies at critical level...
too much :laugh:
I got a mango bought for me...
Love me a ripe mango...

Haven't looked at the forecast yet..
I'll leave it see what 'appens..

oats time.
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