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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
As we bid a fond farewell to last week
You were earlier last week on this day of rest.
Water mebbe?
Not that one from last night?
Nah, coffee.
Handy time if we are heading out in the morning..
Got my 'won' McFlurry. mind you Mrs M had to get one too.
More mails from the Lottery, your funds have run out and you've won a free lucky dip..
That could be 5 out of the last 6 draws..
I think we're finding there's a few imported/non native plants that whilst they might look pretty, they soon take over. Neighbour planted Japanese Knotweed because he liked the look of it, and it filled a gap fast.
Did yer three year program work as expected.
Local council can't be bothered doing anything about ragwort, "as it adds colour to areas that have little or no wild flowers" growing.

Over the yardarm and through yer blind, before blinding you. How'd you find yer cuppa. Blackout blind being given any further consideration?
That's true. And you'd be unlikely to be able to address the second due to the first.

Lasted about ten minutes here, then it disappeared as quick as it appeared.
I dunno, long day!
Sadly, things like rhododendrons are considered invasive now.
Planted on hillsides so they took over, if folk had thought of the consequences of planting them they would have known it's a natural thing for them to do, everywhere is now punting bamboo, we have all of ours in tubs, handy for some screening.
I'm amazed at a local landscaper who has planted trees at his bit directly over where the drains, roof and internal are. One tree directly outside the main room window..
Think I said 'oh no' once the job slip said Knotweed, trying to tell them let it die back first, idiots thought it was instant.
I was at a meeting of all the depts involved with it and I was the only person who actually did work on it, jeez, the two women had brought cuttings to show what it looked like.
Bob, hand up, 'By the way, it's illegal to move it from the site it grows'..
Cue everyone getting taken to nearest patch of it..
One manager told me I shouldn't have pulled them up for it..
then there is mare's tail :laugh:
I have 8 months left until I can destroy my work spraying records.
Can't remember if it is 10 or 12 years they have to be kept for.

1,8 mm here.
Nice in la belle France though..


Leg End Member
Nah, coffee.
Handy time if we are heading out in the morning..
Got my 'won' McFlurry. mind you Mrs M had to get one too.
More mails from the Lottery, your funds have run out and you've won a free lucky dip..
That could be 5 out of the last 6 draws..

Sadly, things like rhododendrons are considered invasive now.
Planted on hillsides so they took over, if folk had thought of the consequences of planting them they would have known it's a natural thing for them to do, everywhere is now punting bamboo, we have all of ours in tubs, handy for some screening.
I'm amazed at a local landscaper who has planted trees at his bit directly over where the drains, roof and internal are. One tree directly outside the main room window..
Think I said 'oh no' once the job slip said Knotweed, trying to tell them let it die back first, idiots thought it was instant.
I was at a meeting of all the depts involved with it and I was the only person who actually did work on it, jeez, the two women had brought cuttings to show what it looked like.
Bob, hand up, 'By the way, it's illegal to move it from the site it grows'..
Cue everyone getting taken to nearest patch of it..
One manager told me I shouldn't have pulled them up for it..
then there is mare's tail :laugh:
I have 8 months left until I can destroy my work spraying records.
Can't remember if it is 10 or 12 years they have to be kept for.

1,8 mm here.
Nice in la belle France though..
Thought as much.
You did get out then, before being rounded up.
You didn't split yer winnings after all.
You bought Mrs M's rather than drinking on yer own?
They do like reminding you they want your money, don't they. Just the one line in yer lucky dip.

Start planting a garden plant out in the wild, they'll soon take over. No-one keeping them in check. Still, it looks good.
Next door employed an old method to rid their border of a tree, small hole drilled into the tree and weedkiller poured into the hole. All from his side.
Maybe he were planning on the shade from the tree!
No cutting and removing the whole lot when you went to view it, before destroying it. You sure it was only "oh no" that were uttered?
Didn't think it did die, without first growing younger tendrils/shoots.
Did you make the managers position at work? They don't like being pulled up in front of a crowd.
Horsetail is fairly common round these parts. Some have dug the smaller plants up for their gardens.
If it's 12 and you destroy them at 10, what'll happen to you?
Why'd you to keep your work records.
Didn't they supply a safe place for storage, or didn't you trust them.

Dry here, again, for now.
Silverstone wet...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Thought as much.
You did get out then, before being rounded up.
You didn't split yer winnings after all.
You bought Mrs M's rather than drinking on yer own?
They do like reminding you they want your money, don't they. Just the one line in yer lucky dip.

Start planting a garden plant out in the wild, they'll soon take over. No-one keeping them in check. Still, it looks good.
Next door employed an old method to rid their border of a tree, small hole drilled into the tree and weedkiller poured into the hole. All from his side.
Maybe he were planning on the shade from the tree!
No cutting and removing the whole lot when you went to view it, before destroying it. You sure it was only "oh no" that were uttered?
Didn't think it did die, without first growing younger tendrils/shoots.
Did you make the managers position at work? They don't like being pulled up in front of a crowd.
Horsetail is fairly common round these parts. Some have dug the smaller plants up for their gardens.
If it's 12 and you destroy them at 10, what'll happen to you?
Why'd you to keep your work records.
Didn't they supply a safe place for storage, or didn't you trust them.

Dry here, again, for now.
Silverstone wet...

3 years is the time to keep them apparently..
dunno where i got 10 years from.
Now binned and shredded..

I was the person in charge of storage, application and disposal of etc etc...
Let's say we used a fair amount over the summer..
The reason? in case something happened, various other factors, how much was used, where, when, weather. They allocated me an hour a day to do all that until the bonus scheme got booted into touch.
Me? stand in occasional supervisor, trust me I wanted no part of going further up the ladder.

Lovely evening, 2.8 mm today


Leg End Member
3 years is the time to keep them apparently..
dunno where i got 10 years from.
Now binned and shredded..

I was the person in charge of storage, application and disposal of etc etc...
Let's say we used a fair amount over the summer..
The reason? in case something happened, various other factors, how much was used, where, when, weather. They allocated me an hour a day to do all that until the bonus scheme got booted into touch.
Me? stand in occasional supervisor, trust me I wanted no part of going further up the ladder.

Lovely evening, 2.8 mm today
You've spent the afternoon cheerfully shredding them?

I can understand why the records were kept, just having trouble working out why you got the job. Shouldn't that have fallen to the council department.
I know there's a fair bit used during summer. Used to the agricultural usage over the years.

And when they booted the bonus scheme into touch, what'd you do with yer extra hour?
Stand in supervisor get a pay rise when he'd to stand in...
No head for heights, or too much paperwork.

None to report here. Clear blue sky...
For now!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You've spent the afternoon cheerfully shredding them?

I can understand why the records were kept, just having trouble working out why you got the job. Shouldn't that have fallen to the council department.
I know there's a fair bit used during summer. Used to the agricultural usage over the years.

And when they booted the bonus scheme into touch, what'd you do with yer extra hour?
Stand in supervisor get a pay rise when he'd to stand in...
No head for heights, or too much paperwork.

None to report here. Clear blue sky...
For now!

hate to think how much we used in a season..

I didn't want to deal with folk who knew feck all about the job but think they did, manager used to copy and paste from the internet, he was a gardener on his granny's side....the extra money? not much more than I was making.
You'd find no gardeners in mid and above management..
Tonight was a Yoo Toob night..

2.8 mm final(?) total


Leg End Member
hate to think how much we used in a season..

I didn't want to deal with folk who knew feck all about the job but think they did, manager used to copy and paste from the internet, he was a gardener on his granny's side....the extra money? not much more than I was making.
You'd find no gardeners in mid and above management..
Tonight was a Yoo Toob night..

2.8 mm final(?) total
Way too much by today's standards.
Don't think, it'll hurt yer brain if you do too much...

He the sort that could bring you down to his level as you tried to explain summat to him.
No other qualifications for the job, or was he promoted to keep him out of someone else's way. Most "top managers" get there that second way.
Not worth the hassle of sorting out a pay increase when the position said more.
You might, but their place of employment may have nothing to do with gardening.
Owt good watched, or just finding new ways of doing things.

Reckon we'd about a third of that

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Way too much by today's standards.
Don't think, it'll hurt yer brain if you do too much...

He the sort that could bring you down to his level as you tried to explain summat to him.
No other qualifications for the job, or was he promoted to keep him out of someone else's way. Most "top managers" get there that second way.
Not worth the hassle of sorting out a pay increase when the position said more.
You might, but their place of employment may have nothing to do with gardening.
Owt good watched, or just finding new ways of doing things.

Reckon we'd about a third of that

I get told I sit on my brain..
Daddy had been a head of something...

someone wants stuff done in garden plus skip run.
So no sitting once I finish my late brekkie..
Jeez, council website needs more coal added


Leg End Member
I get told I sit on my brain..
Daddy had been a head of something...

someone wants stuff done in garden plus skip run.
So no sitting once I finish my late brekkie..
Jeez, council website needs more coal added
Suppose it beats sitting on yer mouth.
Yours or your managers?

Do the gardening for someone and they'll be able to enjoy it. Teach them how to do the gardening and they'll be able to work out why they got someone else doing it.
There much to go?
The security certificate on the local council website has expired, and is incorrectly dated in the parts where they have renewed it. It blocks access to other parts because it doesn't "trust" itself. Brilliant if you happen to be partway through filling an online only form in. Finish one page, try moving to the next, and up pops the full screen warning that its not considered safe. You lose all information input to that point.


Leg End Member
Dry here too..
It took that long to get a permit for skips, all the green buttons kept spinning and the worst, the Rate Me one
Second/third taste of Summer?
They spin to try and hypnotise you. Also to see how long a person will wait before pressing the same key repeatedly.
What were the red ones doing.
I usually give the honest answer, "Poor/Not at all", which can result in an e-mail asking why. Or even a real person on the phone asking the same question.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Ended up on the bike,
a bit hillier today..
stopped to chat with a woman who was pulling out yon Himalayan Balsam plants to stop the spread...
Dunno but I'm seeing more Hogweed this year..
I'll stay away from that....

Nah, dinna fancy the magpie, bit manky and skinny looking, don't think much meat on them.
Tried pigeon years ago..yeeeeeugh xx(
Pheasant, the same..
as for venison? nah
Not a game person.

I'm just waiting on a Chinese email deluge as it seems to be separate orders again...
Off to watch the real cyclists...
Maccy's taking the pee now, another Engerlund supporting email.....

Just come on this phillistines. During the war years we lived on wood pigeon, rabbit and the occasional pheasant. Had whatever my father was able to get and he was an expert poacher.
More recently we had the occasional red deer stagger in our kitchen door and drop dead as well as salmon who jumped the whole way from the river.
I became a fairly expert butcher. All good stuff.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning :hello:
they threaten a heatwave, eh?
or is that the SE obsessed media throwing us the forecast for the SE again..
Emails from Maccys and others about the football..
thinking us sweaty socks are still interested in THAT team
TV still stuffing it down our face with the now standard visit to the THEIR training camp..
No wonder I only watched our matches from kick off to 90 mins plus failure..
Thank goodness for excellent cycling coverage...
It also drowns out the tennis junkie who lives downstairs..
it sounds suggestive with all the oohs and aaaaaaaahs and Muppet calls.
Maybe I should get out more...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Suppose it beats sitting on yer mouth.
Yours or your managers?

Do the gardening for someone and they'll be able to enjoy it. Teach them how to do the gardening and they'll be able to work out why they got someone else doing it.
There much to go?
The security certificate on the local council website has expired, and is incorrectly dated in the parts where they have renewed it. It blocks access to other parts because it doesn't "trust" itself. Brilliant if you happen to be partway through filling an online only form in. Finish one page, try moving to the next, and up pops the full screen warning that its not considered safe. You lose all information input to that point.

Second/third taste of Summer?
They spin to try and hypnotise you. Also to see how long a person will wait before pressing the same key repeatedly.
What were the red ones doing.
I usually give the honest answer, "Poor/Not at all", which can result in an e-mail asking why. Or even a real person on the phone asking the same question.

Me, me, me..
I have been passing on certain responsibilities to Mrs M, doing fine.
Young 'uns just too little yet although they show how good they are at watering.

I better move it, out this am..
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