We'd similar yesterday. Started Thursday night, finished(for now) last night. Not a clue how much fell though.
Here ? approx 50mm since 5pm yesterday
I've need of a new printer myself. Not much help in sourcing a replacement, from manufacturer or shops. Trying to find out the life expectancy, going on how much is printed. Non can/will give an answer.
What size were you trying to print them out at?
Seperate jabs in either arm?
Don't let the boss see you putting that, she might take it as meaning that's all that's required. IE no porridge!!
Nah, same arm..
I bought something I can use generic ink in...
those new tank ones, seem a good idea BUT I see the odd written review online being a bit doubtful..
if they could get away with it, it would be tied to their ink....
I'd a discussion t'other day with someone about vaccines, this lulu is certain they are injecting something to track and control you, seriously YES.
Asked if they had a mobile phone, out comes the latest iPhone..
I said I rest my case, 'How?' came the reply..
The best tracking device known to man...
I got a 'what do you mean?'
I said it constantly looks for a signal and from that you can be tracked within metres..
There are some highly unintelligent sheep out there...