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Leg End Member
Porridge? non.
Corn flakes, strawberries, blueberries, tub yogurt and some milk....
I only noticed other meats bought..
so a couple have been frozen..
can't use chili in this lamb dish...
Fajitas tomorrow night,
I have Beag(ette) and her mum coming here tomorrow so lunch out...
I've plenty to do me until Mrs M comes home...

This has been a good year, asters have been tremendous....
sunflowers too, sweet peas (eventually)..
Beets so-so but second sowing doing well, we'll see..
Spuds were useless, youngest Ms Mhor had a phenomenal yield (I had planted them) dunno how the second sowing of seed potatoes will do, be interesting.
I have a trough with herbs, jeez, overgrown and had to trim them back, lemongrass plant which struggled at first is now a clump :laugh:
Mrs M has told me her bulb choices so must get dem ordered..
No Brekkie!
You don't like porridge, yer certain yer Scottish?
Kellogg's or shops own brand.
A "that looks good" shopping trip last time out then. Now uncertain about what to have with them, mix n'match.
You'll be playing about no doubt. Just remember no pulling faces outside.
List of what not to do left with you.

They kept you out of mischief at least. And it sounds as though you did better than you thought you were going to.
Late developers, leaving you to fret over what you'd missed. You tried making lemongrass tea?
Any odd ones among the list.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
No Brekkie!
You don't like porridge, yer certain yer Scottish?
Kellogg's or shops own brand.
A "that looks good" shopping trip last time out then. Now uncertain about what to have with them, mix n'match.
You'll be playing about no doubt. Just remember no pulling faces outside.
List of what not to do left with you.

They kept you out of mischief at least. And it sounds as though you did better than you thought you were going to.
Late developers, leaving you to fret over what you'd missed. You tried making lemongrass tea?
Any odd ones among the list.

Flakes are the ones with the least sugar in them, Mrs M makes sure of that...
It's a nice break for the oats..

Reet, chili is the Chenzo variety..
on the Scoville cart it is 45,000 SHU which translates to medium hot..
I'll bring on my own ones next year....

Tea? must look into that..


Leg End Member
Flakes are the ones with the least sugar in them, Mrs M makes sure of that...
It's a nice break for the oats..

Reet, chili is the Chenzo variety..
on the Scoville cart it is 45,000 SHU which translates to medium hot..
I'll bring on my own ones next year....

Tea? must look into that..
Forgot you're keeping an eye on that. She's not there at present though...
They might start feeling left out, then what'll you do.

Maybe try a local variety next time, Scotch Bonnet.

TV tea?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Forgot you're keeping an eye on that. She's not there at present though...
They might start feeling left out, then what'll you do.

Maybe try a local variety next time, Scotch Bonnet.

TV tea?

Was out bat hunting tonight....
not many about..
just walked just over a mile and quarter..
never recorded anything but will try another night..
almost hibernation time...
might be worth heading down the river area.
A fair bit further...
wonder if I have lights for the bike, more is the batteries worth anything..-
Had a maccys for me tea..
Beag(ette) and her mum appeared ^_^

Wagon Wheels are still the dogs.....


Leg End Member
Was out bat hunting tonight....
not many about..
just walked just over a mile and quarter..
never recorded anything but will try another night..
almost hibernation time...
might be worth heading down the river area.
A fair bit further...
wonder if I have lights for the bike, more is the batteries worth anything..-
Had a maccys for me tea..
Beag(ette) and her mum appeared ^_^

Wagon Wheels are still the dogs.....
Bobs the Batman, not the Builder.
A drop in early evening temperature and in air pressure. They're affected more by both than we are.
The problem with modern lights, built-in batteries. Much prefer the ones I can swap/change on a ride, than built-in.
Check for that camera! Or did they supply you with the afore mentioned maccys?

And they're still getting smaller. Closer to 3" than 4" diameter nowadays.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Bobs the Batman, not the Builder.
A drop in early evening temperature and in air pressure. They're affected more by both than we are.
The problem with modern lights, built-in batteries. Much prefer the ones I can swap/change on a ride, than built-in.
Check for that camera! Or did they supply you with the afore mentioned maccys?

And they're still getting smaller. Closer to 3" than 4" diameter nowadays.

Smaller but still a good biscuit,
Colin of Freeview advert fame could serve them
Any Tunnocks log is up there too esp if washed down by the Bru of Irn.....
I'm gonna catch the cycling then last night ball of base..
no hut tonight..


Leg End Member
Good something :hello:
I opened this page and my charge appeared..
Jeez, I'm exhausted...
Afternoon to you as well
They're charging you to look at this page!
Exhausted, thought you'd have been taking it easy now your in charge...


Leg End Member
Smaller but still a good biscuit,
Colin of Freeview advert fame could serve them
Any Tunnocks log is up there too esp if washed down by the Bru of Irn.....
I'm gonna catch the cycling then last night ball of base..
no hut tonight..
Would that be when he's serving the good stuff?
Out hunting bats when it gets dark again.


Leg End Member
Tunnocks Teacakes played a very big part of my early teenage years.....
nah, after buggy walking,
I'm taking it easy the rest of the day :laugh:
Thought they'd have played some part in it.
You've a buggy that walks!
Down these parts they still have wheels.
Three quarters of the way through the day, why not.
Evening meals to hand, minimise moving.
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