Leg End Member
No Brekkie!Brekkie?
Porridge? non.
Corn flakes, strawberries, blueberries, tub yogurt and some milk....
I only noticed other meats bought..
so a couple have been frozen..
can't use chili in this lamb dish...
Fajitas tomorrow night,
I have Beag(ette) and her mum coming here tomorrow so lunch out...
I've plenty to do me until Mrs M comes home...
This has been a good year, asters have been tremendous....
sunflowers too, sweet peas (eventually)..
Beets so-so but second sowing doing well, we'll see..
Spuds were useless, youngest Ms Mhor had a phenomenal yield (I had planted them) dunno how the second sowing of seed potatoes will do, be interesting.
I have a trough with herbs, jeez, overgrown and had to trim them back, lemongrass plant which struggled at first is now a clump
Mrs M has told me her bulb choices so must get dem ordered..
You don't like porridge, yer certain yer Scottish?
Kellogg's or shops own brand.
A "that looks good" shopping trip last time out then. Now uncertain about what to have with them, mix n'match.
You'll be playing about no doubt. Just remember no pulling faces outside.
List of what not to do left with you.
They kept you out of mischief at least. And it sounds as though you did better than you thought you were going to.
Late developers, leaving you to fret over what you'd missed. You tried making lemongrass tea?
Any odd ones among the list.