Leg End Member
Early morning go to snack when on bottle duty..
I can munch puddings anytime...
porridge is anytime too even supper.
except cappuccinos which are restricted to before 11am......
Early morning go to snack when on bottle duty..
I can munch puddings anytime...
porridge is anytime too even supper.
except cappuccinos which are restricted to before 11am......
One fresh a make ,now be cold.cuppa a Have workplace the is Garden cool welcome a but Towers the at here day the to start dull ,dreary a s'It
Tealandians fellow morning Good
Early morning go to snack when on bottle duty.
One fresh a make ,now be cold.
Doing your jobs the all do to time have never you'd ,retired you're well as just.
Dry still but ,slightly over clouded now.
Here skies clear with ,sunny started.
A versatile food dish, starter, main course or pudding.Porridge pudding a few mins ago..
as they say in Madrid 'El scoffoed'![]()
Think the grass may get tit today
I think...
A versatile food dish, starter, main course or pudding.
You had yer starter for ten.
Not unless you get out soon, rain headed your way.
Don't, do...
!dias I
Chauffeured or cycled up there.Busy boy..
had been up to just before the 'stop' point on the Men's Sunday race
which is a bit of a haul for the Bawbster lately.
Apart from a couple of wee stretches is almost downhill...
I did take a road I normally avoid due to a bit of a nick tbh..
my legs felt it badly though.....
Just about to have some toast..
bread is only baked to be toasted....
Chauffeured or cycled up there.
You'll be seeing them when they're nearly done. Deckchair left in place ready for the day?
Going up is almost downhill...
What's wrong with the road you take less.
Nah, bread is made for eating in sarnies. Toasted bread tastes the same if its three days old or one day old bread used.
Oh boy!Pedal power..
first time in ages...
something on the TT circuit today..
View attachment 702062
Jeez, doorbell goes..
another charity 'sell'..
this is getting a bit tedious, at least three at the door a week recently..
all different, think they must have jungle drums saying you'll get business down there...
Oh boy!
You'll be sore tomorrow. Unable to do anything strenuous...
Maybe they were looking for you?
Have you sold them anything yet?
Only tried it twice, but had no-one knocking on the door since. Like yourself, I think word got round on the local jungle drums.
MorninG'day folks
no sun so far...
plants all dry...
Sell them something! Refuse to take "No/Not interested" as their final answer. You don't allow them to leave without having bought something from you.I'm not keen on the sell...
I'll give but on my choice...
a recent one opening asked 'Do you like dogs?'
a curt ' no' and a bye..
(I don't mind most dogs)...
I worked in retail as a lad but the cold calling selling aspect I couldn't do..
Trying just now..Mornin
We've had the sun since it poked it's head above the horizon.
You're not feeding them!
Just picked someone on meteor scatter just south of Fryup, now that's a fair name for a place...Sell them something! Refuse to take "No/Not interested" as their final answer. You don't allow them to leave without having bought something from you.
Never very good at the upselling malarkey in the shop. Cheap and liable to be broken before they got out of the shop.
Yer certain it's rain and not something else. No birds about?Trying just now..
a drip or two of wet stuff but nothing really
Just picked someone on meteor scatter just south of Fryup, now that's a fair name for a place...
bad enough getting the odd 'this is microsoft' scam call..
amazing how quick the phone goes down when I say ******* Police Station, how may I help......
I'm not allowed to wind them up anymore.....
Lazy day....
getting orders by phone now..
I better go the washing machine calls..
it plays a tune when its ready to be dealt with..jeez.
Yer certain it's rain and not something else. No birds about?
Why give places boring sounding names. We've the Land of Nod down these parts as well.
Go there after you've been to Fryup
Use a similar line myself, rarely do they call again.
Why not, who says so? They've phoned you, that makes them fair game in my book'
Can you ignore the phone?
Any good tunes?