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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Thing is, for the most part, it's just like any other day of the week now.
I'm convinced there's money swappo hands that shouldn't be at times, when I see what's been allowed. And I've said it.
I mean how do you not see 50 houses being built in a field where they shouldn't be?

You gonna do a runner with the milkman?

Funnily I remember something which happened not too far from Moland...
two regional councillors tried to 'ahem' get a bung from a contractor for a contract, the Tory asked for £ the Labour bloke asked for twice the Tory ^_^
Both did time for it BUT how many get away with this stuff?
Politics aside, human nature(greed) will always take over.


Leg End Member
Sat was ABC Minors, later play footy in morning then the football in the aft, the days of 3pm kickoffs, home and some away games..
I were right about the local picture house. As for the footy, each to their own. Couldn't kick a ball to save my life. "Toe enders" only, no ball control.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
There is that, and sometimes misinterpretation of the data. But I'd be happy, well less inclined to moan about them if they just got wet and dry correct every once in a while.

Yer not supposed to catch anything out of the water, it's against rod rules.
Who introduced you to the whole thing then. Not someone with equipment he "might be willing to part with" were it?
They're not too keen on wet weather.
Larks are early risers, so must be early to bed as well.
Bob's the Batman!!

Other than cash, and sanity, what have you to loose by trying.

He'll be wanting wall space for his posters, possibly in your room. No local wildlife spots you could take him to. Open ground, parks, that sort of thing.

Linearity, not familiar with their works. Any good?

Nope, no seller..
I just got some moolah for doing surveys so I thought I could put that towards something a bit more techy,
if I do I'll pass on the basic one once I upgrade the box to the wee fella.
I have to say this whole area is blessed with woodland walks, the canal and access to open countryside.
It's a relatively short season....
I could extend the mic lead to my window sill and listen to see if anything passing..
I would prefer the video link stuff for that as I could monitor the spectrum instead of random tuning,
I got too may side projects on the go...


Leg End Member
Funnily I remember something which happened not too far from Moland...
two regional councillors tried to 'ahem' get a bung from a contractor for a contract, the Tory asked for £ the Labour bloke asked for twice the Tory ^_^
Both did time for it BUT how many get away with this stuff?
Politics aside, human nature(greed) will always take over.
The one I "asked' got caught out by not being able to keep the story the same.
Never did time, but not selected to stand and defend their seat after that.
Can't think why, if as they said they did nothing wrong.


Leg End Member
Nope, no seller..
I just got some moolah for doing surveys so I thought I could put that towards something a bit more techy,
if I do I'll pass on the basic one once I upgrade the box to the wee fella.
I have to say this whole area is blessed with woodland walks, the canal and access to open countryside.
It's a relatively short season....
I could extend the mic lead to my window sill and listen to see if anything passing..
I would prefer the video link stuff for that as I could monitor the spectrum instead of random tuning,
I got too may side projects on the go...
These surveys, they pay well then?
Would it work in identifying birds, can you imagine him out at night hunting bats! They'll be wondering what you'd done to him.
That's one good thing, something else that may not be around where he lives. But easy to get to, and free!

Just don't cross the streams!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
The one I "asked' got caught out by not being able to keep the story the same.
Never did time, but not selected to stand and defend their seat after that.
Can't think why, if as they said they did nothing wrong.

Politics are a money making exercise..
covid supplying proved that...
need I go on?
Follows a pattern, promise I'll do this and that if I get in, do feck all and six month before re-election, rinse and repeat the same old guff..
These surveys, they pay well then?
Would it work in identifying birds, can you imagine him out at night hunting bats! They'll be wondering what you'd done to him.
That's one good thing, something else that may not be around where he lives. But easy to get to, and free!

Just don't cross the streams!

takes ages to accrue and TBH not worth the time you spend doing them...


Leg End Member
Politics are a money making exercise..
covid supplying proved that...
need I go on?
Follows a pattern, promise I'll do this and that if I get in, do feck all and six month before re-election, rinse and repeat the same old guff..

takes ages to accrue and TBH not worth the time you spend doing them...
Not just politics, but anyone in a position to influence the outcome seems to willing to try their hand for extra cash.

Yer not just saying that so you've got less competition in filling them there surveys in. Depriving you of mullah.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Not just politics, but anyone in a position to influence the outcome seems to willing to try their hand for extra cash.

Yer not just saying that so you've got less competition in filling them there surveys in. Depriving you of mullah.

Time and effort works out pretty low renumeration..
I've done m/soft rewards for a wee while now, 30 odd days (5-10 mins per day?) for a five spot?

Got left home alone so sod it, bike gear on and headed out for a short one through the woodland paths and side roads..
Alomsot four weeks since last outing, I'm fandangoed..
breezy and awfy muggy TBH.
Must get chocolate milk for recovery....

Le tour and early ball of base so set for the day...


Leg End Member
Time and effort works out pretty low renumeration..
I've done m/soft rewards for a wee while now, 30 odd days (5-10 mins per day?) for a five spot?

Got left home alone so sod it, bike gear on and headed out for a short one through the woodland paths and side roads..
Alomsot four weeks since last outing, I'm fandangoed..
breezy and awfy muggy TBH.
Must get chocolate milk for recovery....

Le tour and early ball of base so set for the day...
Secret shopper pays more. Especially if you're testing store security.

No-one trying to get into the house is there? Polly or MTB.
Sounds like a confession, "forgive me father for I have sinned".
Wet, with a light breeze here.
Yer supply manager let you down again.

Feet up as they fight it out uphill and slug it out in the field of dreams!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Secret shopper pays more. Especially if you're testing store security.

No-one trying to get into the house is there? Polly or MTB.
Sounds like a confession, "forgive me father for I have sinned".
Wet, with a light breeze here.
Yer supply manager let you down again.

Feet up as they fight it out uphill and slug it out in the field of dreams!

Supplies are good, well, the essentials :laugh:
The rain never appeared, the forecast changed overnight.
Tues next rain possible..

I'll Percy Vere maybe for another hit, I'll work out the time and length of time it takes....
I worked out that the M/S one earns me 1p per minute:ohmy:, just a habit now whilst I let windows do scans in morning...

Been watching some yankee stuff on the toob, bloke who heads out to old homesteads and older ruins, then I saw something last night related, the ole wagon trains heading west did 15 miles on a good day and 9 to 10 on average, thought they'd be a tad faster than that. It must have been a tough life esp when you see how the homesteads some of them built were literally in the middle of nowhere, mostly cattle related on the prairie and plains. Reminds me I have a book to finish, one of the Lonesome Dove series..

I'm off


Leg End Member
Supplies are good, well, the essentials :laugh:
The rain never appeared, the forecast changed overnight.
Tues next rain possible..

I'll Percy Vere maybe for another hit, I'll work out the time and length of time it takes....
I worked out that the M/S one earns me 1p per minute:ohmy:, just a habit now whilst I let windows do scans in morning...

Been watching some yankee stuff on the toob, bloke who heads out to old homesteads and older ruins, then I saw something last night related, the ole wagon trains heading west did 15 miles on a good day and 9 to 10 on average, thought they'd be a tad faster than that. It must have been a tough life esp when you see how the homesteads some of them built were literally in the middle of nowhere, mostly cattle related on the prairie and plains. Reminds me I have a book to finish, one of the Lonesome Dove series..

I'm off
That's the important piece covered, one good thing...
It appeared here, but the forecast downpour doesn't look as though it'll arrive anytime soon. Delivery issues?

Will you be any safer though.
1p a minute, have they not heard of the minimum wage!!
You're not doing the scanning yerself.

You can't head as far west though, think you could match the daily speed as you walked alongside yer wagon.
Some of the homesteads built where their builders had had enough of the trail, setting up home there.
Anything odd in the unfinished book?

Watch out for the bats!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
That's the important piece covered, one good thing...
It appeared here, but the forecast downpour doesn't look as though it'll arrive anytime soon. Delivery issues?

Will you be any safer though.
1p a minute, have they not heard of the minimum wage!!
You're not doing the scanning yerself.

You can't head as far west though, think you could match the daily speed as you walked alongside yer wagon.
Some of the homesteads built where their builders had had enough of the trail, setting up home there.
Anything odd in the unfinished book?

Watch out for the bats!

Just haven't finished the book...
I dip in and out of books, depends how 'gripping' the story is..

Out batting last night a couple of sightings just at dusk,
two different types though..
I have to tidy up the audio files, I'll do that later once I'm fully wakened.

I was out as I said at dusk, if I headed W here to the old stomping grounds I'd have been eaten alive by midges..
one advantage of the move..

once again, Mrs M took me out so didn't want to hang about too long...

I think I've watched most of this guys stuff so wonder what next, my regular 'watches' usually put their stuff on a Sunday..
Brekkie calls


Leg End Member
Just haven't finished the book...
I dip in and out of books, depends how 'gripping' the story is..

Out batting last night a couple of sightings just at dusk,
two different types though..
I have to tidy up the audio files, I'll do that later once I'm fully wakened.

I was out as I said at dusk, if I headed W here to the old stomping grounds I'd have been eaten alive by midges..
one advantage of the move..

once again, Mrs M took me out so didn't want to hang about too long...

I think I've watched most of this guys stuff so wonder what next, my regular 'watches' usually put their stuff on a Sunday..
Brekkie calls
Slow reader? Helps retain what you've read.
I'm the same when it comes to books or any reading material for that matter. Always have been.

You had to explain, to anyone, exactly what you're doing yet. Or do they just go the long way round.
You know there were two different types due to the screech, or a flyby visual.
Take out the background noise. You'll be half asleep later on, unless you're outside.

Old place built on what was wet ground?
Think of the weight loss, and the "Midge Diet" book that could come from it!

She doesn't mind helping you out in your pursuit of your hobbies.
Nowhere within walking distance...

You'll have summat to watch before venturing out into the night, again.
Brekkie enjoyed?
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