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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
How does it feel, having yer own money.
Yer sure you started with only a map reference!
Nothing north o'border, in all yer travelling today. Did you find it...
How much did you manage to retain?
Want to buy something, they're on you like a shot. You want help, "try somewhere else we don't want to even consider helping."
One-2-One, The Phone People, T-Mobile then EE formed and took over T-Mobile. Later they had Orange(UK), now the largest stakeholder, Telefonica, want out of the UK. Partially the reason Virgin are with O2.
That hut! You fixed the leaking roof yet.
I meant turning the location while taking the photos. No location stored on the photo then.
Light rain for about ten minutes and that were it.
Slow them down slightly by putting network search into manual, not automatic.
Or if you must take a phone, turn the WiFi and Bluetooth off.

Money a hardship...
all plastic now, not the same..
wifie collecting for charity in local supermarket..
hadn't a coin between us..
covid has changed life perhaps for ever in that way..

We know the road back to the W quite well, say hello to individual stones as we pass..
although I should have checked for roadworks...
unfortunately it is too easy to shop online..
I was vitamin supplements..
one click shopping and delivered next day, no petrol used to go pick up etc etc..
sad really..
supermarkets will deliver for as low as a quid..
you don't need to leave home...
think I won't move today, plants all fed....


Leg End Member
Money a hardship...
all plastic now, not the same..
wifie collecting for charity in local supermarket..
hadn't a coin between us..
covid has changed life perhaps for ever in that way..

We know the road back to the W quite well, say hello to individual stones as we pass..
although I should have checked for roadworks...
unfortunately it is too easy to shop online..
I was vitamin supplements..
one click shopping and delivered next day, no petrol used to go pick up etc etc..
sad really..
supermarkets will deliver for as low as a quid..
you don't need to leave home...
think I won't move today, plants all fed....
You never have enough...
We're starting to go back to cash, slowly. Many, like missen, saw cards as a way of helping shop staff out during the first two years. Some stores have taken it to mean we prefer this method.

These stones you say hello to, do they ever answer?
You have roadworks! Didn't think your roads were that advanced.
Maybe, but I still prefer buying from the store. That way I get to see what it is I'm paying for. I'll save some legwork looking online but that's it.
24 hour deliveries have long since stopped, which is something.
Some do free deliveries, yer missing out.
Plants fed, what about yerssen!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
We now have rain. Sunshine has gone this week, please return it.
In for the day.

0.2 mm today..
a dusting..
You never have enough...
We're starting to go back to cash, slowly. Many, like missen, saw cards as a way of helping shop staff out during the first two years. Some stores have taken it to mean we prefer this method.

These stones you say hello to, do they ever answer?
You have roadworks! Didn't think your roads were that advanced.
Maybe, but I still prefer buying from the store. That way I get to see what it is I'm paying for. I'll save some legwork looking online but that's it.
24 hour deliveries have long since stopped, which is something.
Some do free deliveries, yer missing out.
Plants fed, what about yerssen!

cashless means businesses have to declare earnings..
only the little persons pay full tax......

Mrs M had started cash again..
easier to budget she says..
Mind you we nipped down to the outskirts of Edinburgh to look at stuff, at least we saw what materials were used..
too much shiny weird feeling material being used now...

pleasant evening, quite still and a bit humid...
parcel delivery going to be late tonight...
ding dong.. delivered..


Leg End Member
0.2 mm today..
a dusting..

cashless means businesses have to declare earnings..
only the little persons pay full tax......

Mrs M had started cash again..
easier to budget she says..
Mind you we nipped down to the outskirts of Edinburgh to look at stuff, at least we saw what materials were used..
too much shiny weird feeling material being used now...

pleasant evening, quite still and a bit humid...
parcel delivery going to be late tonight...
ding dong.. delivered..
I'd say we're ahead of you today on that. By how much I don't know.

Cashless also means they can keep an eye on what you're spending, and where. Why do you think "reward cards" have become so widespread in the last few years.
Good for her.
Maybe she'll let you use some, sometime...
How did you gain access to the presses where they print the notes?
Did you get any samples/freebies

Dry, with clear skies here.
The wet spell is over, for this week.
You been spending others money!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Morning :hello:
No chance of a long lie...
very youngest Mhor decided she want to sleep no more..
Bob's on granda duties...
pulling funny faces, silly noises, getting everything ready and on bottle duty soon..
these machines that do it all for you are brill...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I'd say we're ahead of you today on that. By how much I don't know.

Cashless also means they can keep an eye on what you're spending, and where. Why do you think "reward cards" have become so widespread in the last few years.
Good for her.
Maybe she'll let you use some, sometime...
How did you gain access to the presses where they print the notes?
Did you get any samples/freebies

Dry, with clear skies here.
The wet spell is over, for this week.
You been spending others money!

I'd say we're ahead of you today on that. By how much I don't know.

Cashless also means they can keep an eye on what you're spending, and where. Why do you think "reward cards" have become so widespread in the last few years.
Good for her.
Maybe she'll let you use some, sometime...
How did you gain access to the presses where they print the notes?
Did you get any samples/freebies

Dry, with clear skies here.
The wet spell is over, for this week.
You been spending others money!

Your data is all of a sudden very valuable.....
they'll be charging you for sunshine next...
just saw latest fixed rate fuel offers are smartmeter dependant..
they can go 'there' with their smartmeters......
quite possible I could zap one when I'm playing radio or more 'do' a signal or two in..
thing is the ordered many that were not the right ones...
Big Brother is well here..
a dry day so far, I haven't checked the forcast yet..

think a bottle needed..am off


Leg End Member
Your data is all of a sudden very valuable.....
they'll be charging you for sunshine next...
just saw latest fixed rate fuel offers are smartmeter dependant..
they can go 'there' with their smartmeters......
quite possible I could zap one when I'm playing radio or more 'do' a signal or two in..
thing is the ordered many that were not the right ones...
Big Brother is well here..
a dry day so far, I haven't checked the forcast yet..

think a bottle needed..am off
Always has been, I'll give as little as possible when they ask.
Give em a chance of working out a pricing method and they will do it.
If they, smartmeters, worked there'd be no fuss over them like there is now on the telly.
With you on that one.
Can't you zap a few in surrounding houses for them?
Third series aren't being fitted round here at present. Still only the second series.
And making his presence known...
Dry here, no rain planned.

Have the bottle contents not the bottle. Much nicer.


Leg End Member
Morning :hello:
No chance of a long lie...
very youngest Mhor decided she want to sleep no more..
Bob's on granda duties...
pulling funny faces, silly noises, getting everything ready and on bottle duty soon..
these machines that do it all for you are brill...
Give someone an elbow in the ribs!
You being well paid,
Being yer normal self?
Have you tried mixing one up for yerself yet?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Give someone an elbow in the ribs!
You being well paid,
Being yer normal self?
Have you tried mixing one up for yerself yet?

Always has been, I'll give as little as possible when they ask.
Give em a chance of working out a pricing method and they will do it.
If they, smartmeters, worked there'd be no fuss over them like there is now on the telly.
With you on that one.
Can't you zap a few in surrounding houses for them?
Third series aren't being fitted round here at present. Still only the second series.
And making his presence known...
Dry here, no rain planned.

Have the bottle contents not the bottle. Much nicer.

Funny thing is, they pay to use Einstein's image rights..
Strange one how that came about, google it..
The US courts have just said pay them f'all..
Rumours of the feckers wanting to price electricity by the time of day...
have they not learned how to get this implemented by law, a couple hundred thousand payoffs to a few politicians and voila?
or just give them a directorship for a year or two (or just employ them)
these feckers will sell you down the road for thirty bob...see Ms LT.

Youngest one now back home...
it's quiet at the Towers

unless I start singing:laugh:
or should that be caterwauling ?


Leg End Member
Funny thing is, they pay to use Einstein's image rights..
Strange one how that came about, google it..
The US courts have just said pay them f'all..
Rumours of the feckers wanting to price electricity by the time of day...
have they not learned how to get this implemented by law, a couple hundred thousand payoffs to a few politicians and voila?
or just give them a directorship for a year or two (or just employ them)
these feckers will sell you down the road for thirty bob...see Ms LT.

Youngest one now back home...
it's quiet at the Towers

unless I start singing:laugh:
or should that be caterwauling ?
A Jewish university, $12.5 million a year.
Pay per time of day is an old one. Lat I'd heard they'd split it into four six hour periods, then found Economy Seven would be covered by two time periods, which wouldn't work.
There's many MP's already on the board of directors of these companies. Why do we need more?
Thirty bob, they'd sell more for less and still try to get as much as possible.

All the bottles washed, dried and ready for the next time they're required?
Peace returned...

What's to stop you singing along to yer favourite tunes?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Dry start start, then it got damp.
Why not.
Skimmed milk I presume!

A Jewish university, $12.5 million a year.
Pay per time of day is an old one. Lat I'd heard they'd split it into four six hour periods, then found Economy Seven would be covered by two time periods, which wouldn't work.
There's many MP's already on the board of directors of these companies. Why do we need more?
Thirty bob, they'd sell more for less and still try to get as much as possible.

All the bottles washed, dried and ready for the next time they're required?
Peace returned...

What's to stop you singing along to yer favourite tunes?

More? its all payoff mostly.
all ready and present..
more food and naps...
I thought all that had left my left when the Mhor brood flew the coop....

oh, well, cycling on in a minute or two...
that's me not moving..
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