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Leg End Member
Twilight Zone? no it's worse:laugh:
I always thought the Oz one was tongue in cheek as being in a wine producing area..

No, a cruel (not really) lady did..
now to get my eyes tested..
(Looks in mirror, yes, two)

Minus 3.8c overnight,
spending too much time trying to work out a config file set up and totally lost..
tears could be an option or a big Bob hissy fit..
The El Choco Bandito is here later..
Worse, it can't be that bad!
You putting wine in yer eyes?

Hands not steady enough or you blink, just as the drop is about to hit the eye.
Maybe there's only one and you've got double vision!

We'd a bit more snow in the early hours, so it warmed up slightly.
Take a break, have a cup of tea, examine the problem from afar. Then attack with new ideas.
Put a "Closed" sign on the outside.


N Ireland
Hi y'all :hello:

We have the snow here too and it's 'Baltic', as they say around these parts.

Are you unwell Bobby🤕 - if you are, GWS my friend.

I've just come on to ask for a favour - please keep us in your thoughts. Unless asked, I won't go into details but we had a developing bad time over last week or two and it ended with me bringing in the police(who were great) and Mrs B being 'Sectioned' under the MHA. She is now in the secure wing of a hospital, some 30 miles away, for assessment. I was in justified fear for my safety and one incident was witnessed by a neighbour.

The best case scenario is that Mrs B will get home after her meds are tweaked enough to make her more stable, or the meds will be checked and she will go to a Care Home for good. My social Worker thinks it will be the latter, but the initial assessment won't be concluded until tomorrow. There can be a rolling period of detention until the final decision is made.

Sad times for my beautiful, vivacious and highly intelligent soul mate who has become a confused and delusional old lady with eyes that are devoid of any sparkle. Not one single person deserves dementia in their lives.


Leg End Member
Hi y'all :hello:

We have the snow here too and it's 'Baltic', as they say around these parts.

Are you unwell Bobby🤕 - if you are, GWS my friend.

I've just come on to ask for a favour - please keep us in your thoughts. Unless asked, I won't go into details but we had a developing bad time over last week or two and it ended with me bringing in the police(who were great) and Mrs B being 'Sectioned' under the MHA. She is now in the secure wing of a hospital, some 30 miles away, for assessment. I was in justified fear for my safety and one incident was witnessed by a neighbour.

The best case scenario is that Mrs B will get home after her meds are tweaked enough to make her more stable, or the meds will be checked and she will go to a Care Home for good. My social Worker thinks it will be the latter, but the initial assessment won't be concluded until tomorrow. There can be a rolling period of detention until the final decision is made.

Sad times for my beautiful, vivacious and highly intelligent soul mate who has become a confused and delusional old lady with eyes that are devoid of any sparkle. Not one single person deserves dementia in their lives.
Sorry to be reading that.

Take care of yourself during all of this. Remember that neither of you are responsible for this, it's just nature proving who's boss.
Hope you get the outcome you want.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Worse, it can't be that bad!
You putting wine in yer eyes?

Hands not steady enough or you blink, just as the drop is about to hit the eye.
Maybe there's only one and you've got double vision!

We'd a bit more snow in the early hours, so it warmed up slightly.
Take a break, have a cup of tea, examine the problem from afar. Then attack with new ideas.
Put a "Closed" sign on the outside.

He, I was a merlot man before it got trendy..
Red or dead.. not a white fan unless fizzed the h out of...
2.7c just now and one forecast has snow after eight, I'd prefer a choc mint one :laugh:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Hi y'all :hello:

We have the snow here too and it's 'Baltic', as they say around these parts.

Are you unwell Bobby🤕 - if you are, GWS my friend.

I've just come on to ask for a favour - please keep us in your thoughts. Unless asked, I won't go into details but we had a developing bad time over last week or two and it ended with me bringing in the police(who were great) and Mrs B being 'Sectioned' under the MHA. She is now in the secure wing of a hospital, some 30 miles away, for assessment. I was in justified fear for my safety and one incident was witnessed by a neighbour.

The best case scenario is that Mrs B will get home after her meds are tweaked enough to make her more stable, or the meds will be checked and she will go to a Care Home for good. My social Worker thinks it will be the latter, but the initial assessment won't be concluded until tomorrow. There can be a rolling period of detention until the final decision is made.

Sad times for my beautiful, vivacious and highly intelligent soul mate who has become a confused and delusional old lady with eyes that are devoid of any sparkle. Not one single person deserves dementia in their lives.

My troubles are nothing...

I'll say one for you two...
hoping for the best outcome for you both.


Leg End Member
He, I was a merlot man before it got trendy..
Red or dead.. not a white fan unless fizzed the h out of...
2.7c just now and one forecast has snow after eight, I'd prefer a choc mint one :laugh:
Merlot trendy! When?
Take it you're talking wine not football there with that "red or dead" bit.
Just above zero, with a night that could go colder, or give us more snow.
You got yer ski's to hand, ready for when it does snow.
Choc mint is out now though...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Merlot trendy! When?
Take it you're talking wine not football there with that "red or dead" bit.
Just above zero, with a night that could go colder, or give us more snow.
You got yer ski's to hand, ready for when it does snow.
Choc mint is out now though...

I believe in living life on the edge,
After Eight mints? eaten after seven..
tough or what?

Red as in red wine..
I just call my pal Ben Z. Nees to deliver skis..
I got nurse to see ra morra am...

Catching up on stage 2 of the Oz bike race..
think it is a bit warmer over there..

we have 1.9c, Met Off say -3c overnight, we'll see.


Leg End Member
I believe in living life on the edge,
After Eight mints? eaten after seven..
tough or what?

Red as in red wine..
I just call my pal Ben Z. Nees to deliver skis..
I got nurse to see ra morra am...

Catching up on stage 2 of the Oz bike race..
think it is a bit warmer over there..

we have 1.9c, Met Off say -3c overnight, we'll see.
Does that include the edge of yer seat?

Don't they say it's good for you, in moderation.

You'd look good turning up at the doctor on ski's.
She one of these "vampire nurses" that you visit?
Best o'luck there though

Who's winning, and should they be.
Can't be much warmer.

Can believe the -3 figure given.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
G'day :hello:
Still :cold: at the Towers..
lots of hot :cuppa:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Does that include the edge of yer seat?

Don't they say it's good for you, in moderation.

You'd look good turning up at the doctor on ski's.
She one of these "vampire nurses" that you visit?
Best o'luck there though

Who's winning, and should they be.
Can't be much warmer.

Can believe the -3 figure given.

I got attacked by a 3 inch needle lookalike this morning.....
Wow! said I, it's rubber I was told..
5 out of 5 both times:laugh:

No blood today, they must have enough (of mine)
if you are passing by the thread, blood is needed so please donate a pint occasionally..

It did make minus 3 early this am, -3.1c ....


Leg End Member
I got attacked by a 3 inch needle lookalike this morning.....
Wow! said I, it's rubber I was told..
5 out of 5 both times:laugh:

No blood today, they must have enough (of mine)
if you are passing by the thread, blood is needed so please donate a pint occasionally..

It did make minus 3 early this am, -3.1c ....
Only a three inch, that's nowt really.
Hurt any more than the real deal?

Maybe you're running out!
Unable to give blood.

And were you up and about at that time, if so were you at your own home. Not carrying a bag marked Swag, and no longer wearing your black and white top.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Similar round here
Will have to get another now.

Only a three inch, that's nowt really.
Hurt any more than the real deal?

Maybe you're running out!
Unable to give blood.

And were you up and about at that time, if so were you at your own home. Not carrying a bag marked Swag, and no longer wearing your black and white top.
My top would be blue and white..
the mighty 'Ton top...

Nah, none needed this time, I have a date at the end of march so maybe then..
Hancock got it right, 'Nearly an armful'
Donating blood is a good thing to do, you may help save a life.
I'm too old now but got to silver pin status in my early years..

Youngest youngest Mhor is here..
boy can she burp milk :laugh:


Leg End Member
My top would be blue and white..
the mighty 'Ton top...

Nah, none needed this time, I have a date at the end of march so maybe then..
Hancock got it right, 'Nearly an armful'
Donating blood is a good thing to do, you may help save a life.
I'm too old now but got to silver pin status in my early years..

Youngest youngest Mhor is here..
boy can she burp milk :laugh:
Tha colour combination being popular round those parts? Yer swag bag...

They left you with some, just in case.
Still a pint they take, or have they moved on to quarts?
Never been allowed. Had my donor card ripped up by one specialist years ago.
Never tried for the Gold?

Blimey, one eating your chocolate, the other drinking yer white stuff. They're in it together...

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Tha colour combination being popular round those parts? Yer swag bag...

They left you with some, just in case.
Still a pint they take, or have they moved on to quarts?
Never been allowed. Had my donor card ripped up by one specialist years ago.
Never tried for the Gold?

Blimey, one eating your chocolate, the other drinking yer white stuff. They're in it together...
minus 4.2c just now, baltic :cold:
I can't remember how much I gave tbh, it was 70s early 80s.
fainted after giving first pint, wouldn't listen to nurse lady to sit and have a cuppa, number two donation knocked lumps out of me but the third onwards? dawdle...

kids can have what they want, ones only 6 weeks so limited, Beag has the rights the now.......
not long home from the hut, busy one tonight
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