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Leg End Member
minus 4.2c just now, baltic :cold:
I can't remember how much I gave tbh, it was 70s early 80s.
fainted after giving first pint, wouldn't listen to nurse lady to sit and have a cuppa, number two donation knocked lumps out of me but the third onwards? dawdle...

kids can have what they want, ones only 6 weeks so limited, Beag has the rights the now.......
not long home from the hut, busy one tonight
You're colder than here.
Did they take the chance and get another lot out of you after you passed out that first time.
You should always listen to the nurses, they're the ones sticking the needles in.
Third time lucky?
If he gets his feet under the table so to speak, you might have problems convincing him later on.
Six weeks and you can have chocolate digestives again, albeit in smaller amounts?
How'd things go down the scout hut, with you having missed the start of the year.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Hello :hello:

minus 5.1c last night..
football didn't go too well (or tennis).
Oh well.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You're colder than here.
Did they take the chance and get another lot out of you after you passed out that first time.
You should always listen to the nurses, they're the ones sticking the needles in.
Third time lucky?
If he gets his feet under the table so to speak, you might have problems convincing him later on.
Six weeks and you can have chocolate digestives again, albeit in smaller amounts?
How'd things go down the scout hut, with you having missed the start of the year.

:cold: night..
bit milder now, getting balmy again?

Enjoying the peace before tomorrow's Paw Patrol etc etc...


Leg End Member
:cold: night..
bit milder now, getting balmy again?

Enjoying the peace before tomorrow's Paw Patrol etc etc...
You'll have been tucked up in a nice warm bed though.
Got as high as +0.6C, after the freezing fog cleared down the valley.
Just put yer feet up, and try and enjoy what's on the telly. After refreshments have been purloined ready for your delight.
Yelp, if you feel the need to!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Slightly warmer here methinks. Yer weather station holding up in this cold snap I see.
The scot lost again?
Had he won, he'd have been British.

What's next on your sporting calendar.
After the Ozzie cycle race today? the Argentinian one starts....
You'll have been tucked up in a nice warm bed though.
Got as high as +0.6C, after the freezing fog cleared down the valley.
Just put yer feet up, and try and enjoy what's on the telly. After refreshments have been purloined ready for your delight.
Yelp, if you feel the need to!
All Beag visits are off..
Chicken and pox have struck...
I will ensure his Choco rations will be looked after:ohmy:
2.8c low so picking up, leaping over 5 as I write...


Leg End Member
After the Ozzie cycle race today? the Argentinian one starts....

All Beag visits are off..
Chicken and pox have struck...
I will ensure his Choco rations will be looked after:ohmy:
2.8c low so picking up, leaping over 5 as I write...
You caught up with the lead of the Australian race yet?
Banana boat to Argentina?

You, him, or someone else in the family. Have you dumped any biscuits he may have been near?
Hope he's not too bad with it, and works it through his system.
His chocolate rations may have someone keeping an eye on them, be careful!
No-where near either of those temperatures. Yer enjoying a few pet days, nowt else.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Owdo, t'ain't any more

Where'd you end up when you'd finished?
We've still got some, and more forecast...
Today we ended up in Fife....
getting a habit..
You caught up with the lead of the Australian race yet?
Banana boat to Argentina?

You, him, or someone else in the family. Have you dumped any biscuits he may have been near?
Hope he's not too bad with it, and works it through his system.
His chocolate rations may have someone keeping an eye on them, be careful!
No-where near either of those temperatures. Yer enjoying a few pet days, nowt else.
Nah, thought of cyclocross form Benidorm of all places, watched the ladies race, amazing crowd and a good race. I get the men's race maybe later or tomorrow.
Poor wee soul has it everywhere so not see him this week....
Headed east and found the sun, nice day other side of the Forth bridges but soon headed home and raining as we got near home....


Leg End Member
Today we ended up in Fife....
getting a habit..

Nah, thought of cyclocross form Benidorm of all places, watched the ladies race, amazing crowd and a good race. I get the men's race maybe later or tomorrow.
Poor wee soul has it everywhere so not see him this week....
Headed east and found the sun, nice day other side of the Forth bridges but soon headed home and raining as we got near home....
Why'd you travel to Five for a habit. No-where local you could get one.

You giving Argentina a miss for now then.
Sunburn from that sun on the telly?
Hope he's feeling better soon. Any idea where he may have picked it up.

The weather was different on your side of the bridge, before you crossed over!
I've heard of localised weather, but that's stretching it. You'll be flooded come the morn. Inflatable raft ready?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Why'd you travel to Five for a habit. No-where local you could get one.

You giving Argentina a miss for now then.
Sunburn from that sun on the telly?
Hope he's feeling better soon. Any idea where he may have picked it up.

The weather was different on your side of the bridge, before you crossed over!
I've heard of localised weather, but that's stretching it. You'll be flooded come the morn. Inflatable raft ready?

Argie bargie on now, 43.6 kms to go..
Kirby and Smith on commentary..
at least the patter is good..
It can be four seasons in one day possible here..
anyhoo , crossing the border in the near future undercover of course..
but I'm not letting folk know :rolleyes:


Leg End Member
Argie bargie on now, 43.6 kms to go..
Kirby and Smith on commentary..
at least the patter is good..
It can be four seasons in one day possible here..
anyhoo , crossing the border in the near future undercover of course..
but I'm not letting folk know :rolleyes:
Was there much towards the end of the day!
Vivaldi seems to control the weather at times ere an'all.
Another raiding party. Which side will you be coming down?
I'll alert the county's Border Security, just in case yer headed this way.


Leg End Member
Bob, your mission, whether you accept it or not, is to explain if there is a way of tracking past flights of aircraft.

One has been using a local grass runway, more suited for microlights and rotary wing aircraft.
On Saturday, early hours, it was joined by an Aérospatiale Gazelle showing as taken off near the town centre.
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