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Leg End Member
No cafe stuff today..
I need to be driven about, I only have a motorbike licence which I'll have to re-apply for next year, handy for ID so I might..
we like a wander on roads we don't know..
Was looking at a 'blow away' greenhouse earlier...
dunno if worth a punt, bolt one side onto fence to secure, strip down at winter time...

sat down and worked where what bulbs were going where, no ingings included:cuppa:
If dry the morn, get them planted.

Dull now, light fading..
now 5.47 W/M² :cuppa:
All that walking round, no coffee. And you with the bad foot to boot.
Get one with a sidecar on it. Then you can be in charge, where you go and which way.
Can you renew, if you've not ridden one for a while?
Not bothered about getting lost, running out of fuel, the car running out of diesel/petrol?

Suppose it blows away before you've stripped it down for winter. What'll you do.

Not spelling out any message or words for the neighbours I hope.
No chance of it being dry now. You've summat to do, weather permitting.

Light were going here, but I went from an overlit interior to a badly lit outside.

now 5.47 W/M²?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning from a wwwwwwwet Towers:hello:
Forecasts are getting more accurate..

All that walking round, no coffee. And you with the bad foot to boot.
Get one with a sidecar on it. Then you can be in charge, where you go and which way.
Can you renew, if you've not ridden one for a while?
Not bothered about getting lost, running out of fuel, the car running out of diesel/petrol?

Suppose it blows away before you've stripped it down for winter. What'll you do.

Not spelling out any message or words for the neighbours I hope.
No chance of it being dry now. You've summat to do, weather permitting.

Light were going here, but I went from an overlit interior to a badly lit outside.

now 5.47 W/M²?

Its up to 20.4..
HERE Wikipedia link explains what w/m² is about...
I haven't really looked at how the work out what I think is the 'light' intensity, I'll look later for the techy reason.
Yeah, I could just see Mrs M done up in her Nora Batty get up..
Handbag to the fore:laugh:
No ta, I'll keep to the chevy...
past the easy rider stage, for a start the flowing locks left years ago:laugh:
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Leg End Member
Good morning from a wwwwwwwet Towers:hello:
Forecasts are getting more accurate..

Its up to 20.4..
HERE Wikipedia link explains what w/m² is about...
I haven't really looked at how the work out what I think is the 'light' intensity, I'll look later for the techy reason.
Yeah, I could just see Mrs M done up in her Nora Batty get up..
Handbag to the fore:laugh:
No ta, I'll keep to the chevy...
past the easy rider stage, for a start the flowing locks left years ago:laugh:

Don't think they are getting more accurate, just that they can say "rain today" and there's every chance it'll rain.

How bad is that? You understand the maths on that page then.
Could you borrow one, turn up at your place and say we're going out, and I'll be in charge" before leading her to the sidecar?
Stay in the dry and warmth?
Yer never too old.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Don't think they are getting more accurate, just that they can say "rain today" and there's every chance it'll rain.

How bad is that? You understand the maths on that page then.
Could you borrow one, turn up at your place and say we're going out, and I'll be in charge" before leading her to the sidecar?
Stay in the dry and warmth?
Yer never too old.


I like all this type of stuff, presently 15.73:cuppa:

Maffs :whistle: wasn't one of my best subjects..
mental counting can be crazy good at times...
I mean look at all the dart greats, not exactly Einsteins...

I just found out that something I have can affect my licence and have to see the doc but I'll never ride again and as I said it saves buying a passport for ID purposes....
Just passing time until Beag appears from Nursery..
bulb container planting cancelled due to wx, maybe tomorrow..


Leg End Member
View attachment 668276
I like all this type of stuff, presently 15.73:cuppa:

Maffs :whistle: wasn't one of my best subjects..
mental counting can be crazy good at times...
I mean look at all the dart greats, not exactly Einsteins...

I just found out that something I have can affect my licence and have to see the doc but I'll never ride again and as I said it saves buying a passport for ID purposes....
Just passing time until Beag appears from Nursery..
bulb container planting cancelled due to wx, maybe tomorrow..
What di that do to you then?
I might if I knew what it was. Then again I might not.

English to it would seem. How's yer Scottish.
Can help when working out how many pieces of chocolate cake you can have.
That's as much working out the various combinations as actually counting though.

Hope it's nowt too serious, but if it affects your ability to drive, you'd have to return the one you have at present.
Don't pass it this way.
Cancel for tomorrow 'til Monday, earliest.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
What di that do to you then?
I might if I knew what it was. Then again I might not.

English to it would seem. How's yer Scottish.
Can help when working out how many pieces of chocolate cake you can have.
That's as much working out the various combinations as actually counting though.

Hope it's nowt too serious, but if it affects your ability to drive, you'd have to return the one you have at present.
Don't pass it this way.
Cancel for tomorrow 'til Monday, earliest.

I have no intention of ever motorbiking again.....Going by what I have read, I'm in 'okay' licence land, the doc was to be more of a check...
Doc once told me it would be quick:ohmy: Famous ex Ecot national team manager has the same and his 'went'..
they got him to hospital and he was the first out of approx 28 they got that far, sobering:hyper:
Bus pass doesn't count for ID:cuppa:
Cheesecake tonight....

English? I used to get much better marks for my French exams, zut alors:ohmy:
Funnily, I use a lot of what we'd call 'scots', littered with words like wabbit, puggled, chanty wrassler, muckle etc etc..


Leg End Member
I have no intention of ever motorbiking again.....Going by what I have read, I'm in 'okay' licence land, the doc was to be more of a check...
Doc once told me it would be quick:ohmy: Famous ex Ecot national team manager has the same and his 'went'..
they got him to hospital and he was the first out of approx 28 they got that far, sobering:hyper:
Bus pass doesn't count for ID:cuppa:
Cheesecake tonight....

English? I used to get much better marks for my French exams, zut alors:ohmy:
Funnily, I use a lot of what we'd call 'scots', littered with words like wabbit, puggled, chanty wrassler, muckle etc etc..
Couldn't you borrow a motorbike and sidecar, just to see the reaction?
Good to hear. You don't mind spending money to renew then.
Quick! Wallet extraction?
Didn't realise you needed a doctor for that. You just put your hand in, clasp the wallet, and remove hand and wallet.
Birth certificate can't be used for ID either.
Lemon cheesecake?

Thought you'd have done better in a foreign language, not expecting it to be French.
Yer doing your bit to keep local dialects alive.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Friday AGAIN:hello:
Have I missed a few days since the last one:ohmy:

Couldn't you borrow a motorbike and sidecar, just to see the reaction?
Good to hear. You don't mind spending money to renew then.
Quick! Wallet extraction?
Didn't realise you needed a doctor for that. You just put your hand in, clasp the wallet, and remove hand and wallet.
Birth certificate can't be used for ID either.
Lemon cheesecake?

Thought you'd have done better in a foreign language, not expecting it to be French.
Yer doing your bit to keep local dialects alive.

Hoots mon.....
I did try German, one class then removed:laugh:
The year I started secondary, Gaelic was dropped due to teacher retiring, I could have been tempted..
I didn't care what I did in 'big' school, I just wasted my time there.

Raspberry, actually, they must have showed it a picture of one instead of mixing a few in

It pleut....


Leg End Member
Friday AGAIN:hello:
Have I missed a few days since the last one:ohmy:

Hoots mon.....
I did try German, one class then removed:laugh:
The year I started secondary, Gaelic was dropped due to teacher retiring, I could have been tempted..
I didn't care what I did in 'big' school, I just wasted my time there.

Raspberry, actually, they must have showed it a picture of one instead of mixing a few in

It pleut....
Aye, yer reight
Saturday and Sunday count?

I'd trouble with my french teacher, she'd trouble with the local dialect and felt that "french" spoken in it was incorrect.
I got extra English lessons, where we learnt more about the local dialects.
Wasted yer time! Did you never learn anything?

Only a picture, no cheesecake. I'd want mi money back.

tirim anseo

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
A loooooong day already:cuppa:

Aye, yer reight
Saturday and Sunday count?

I'd trouble with my french teacher, she'd trouble with the local dialect and felt that "french" spoken in it was incorrect.
I got extra English lessons, where we learnt more about the local dialects.
Wasted yer time! Did you never learn anything?

Only a picture, no cheesecake. I'd want mi money back.

tirim anseo

Our French teacher was a delicate wee soul, she upset too easily..
Teaching got too much in the end..

Learn? nothing as I said I never bothered...
as they said the shipyards await you..
I avoided them:ohmy:


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
A loooooong day already:cuppa:

Our French teacher was a delicate wee soul, she upset too easily..
Teaching got too much in the end..

Learn? nothing as I said I never bothered...
as they said the shipyards await you..
I avoided them:ohmy:
Loooooong day, what time tha start the day?

Sounds like the same teacher. Not there, the school, having left before I did. Rumoured to have gone back to France, French lessons being easier there.

Not even how to avoid doing summat you didn't want to do. You surprise me.
Avoided the shipyards and ended up with a manual council job instead.

Take it easy on this looooooong day.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Loooooong day, what time tha start the day?

Sounds like the same teacher. Not there, the school, having left before I did. Rumoured to have gone back to France, French lessons being easier there.

Not even how to avoid doing summat you didn't want to do. You surprise me.
Avoided the shipyards and ended up with a manual council job instead.

Take it easy on this looooooong day.

The cooncil job was only temporary until I moved to Edinburgh:cuppa:
things happened and that's how life panned out..
could have been worse.

Wee Janey wasn't French but a Glesca wummin....
maybe a few sessions of the tawse might have helped her..
old happy harry fair belted my bare hands....always six I got..
I still get shivers passing Lochgelly:hyper:


Leg End Member
The cooncil job was only temporary until I moved to Edinburgh:cuppa:
things happened and that's how life panned out..
could have been worse.

Wee Janey wasn't French but a Glesca wummin....
maybe a few sessions of the tawse might have helped her..
old happy harry fair belted my bare hands....always six I got..
I still get shivers passing Lochgelly:hyper:
How temporary was the gardening work(coouncil job)?
Not always as planned when we were kids.
True, you could be living in London.

No chance of it being the same teacher then.
Who'd have been running the sessions though.
You'd a name for yours! Just called the strap round these parts. Nearly always got six missen. Most in one day were eighteen.
Cold place?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
How temporary was the gardening work(coouncil job)?
Not always as planned when we were kids.
True, you could be living in London.

No chance of it being the same teacher then.
Who'd have been running the sessions though.
You'd a name for yours! Just called the strap round these parts. Nearly always got six missen. Most in one day were eighteen.
Cold place?

38 years:laugh:

Lochgelly was where the tawse was made.....(mostly)
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