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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Its one way of making certain you got it though.
Who said anything about giving up da booze.
Have you tried just having the glass?

Weren't you in the kitchen, seconded to lift duty? You could have been the oldest lift boy if you'd stuck at it.
There might have been, but some were downright odd. Very few would argue with the driver of a road roller back then. What they were driving were big, slow and a fair bit of weight & power. If you upset the driver, you were stuck.
Never made management level, or considered it.

You'll fit the Nobbly Nobbly in, count the calories later.

Plenty calories left, I could have had another three..
Funny thing it was a big mofo and it was loaned to a local builders yard,
I had gone down for it and asked if fluids etc were topped up 'aye, all donr for ye'
I checked the ones I could see..

Off I headed and I had to on the hilly bit take the first turn left along a side street then up and come back again next right then attempt the rest of the hill..
Success, I reached the yard then it ground to a halt..
it never ever started or turned again, cut up on the spot..
month later, a new smaller one is delivered..
It had been a 'move'
It never compared or rolled the laid tar the same as more rolling needed:ohmy:
Everything shovelled off the tar lorry into barrows or straight on to the surface and raked..
I can still smell the diesel..


Leg End Member
Good morning campers...


Leg End Member
Plenty calories left, I could have had another three..
Funny thing it was a big mofo and it was loaned to a local builders yard,
I had gone down for it and asked if fluids etc were topped up 'aye, all donr for ye'
I checked the ones I could see..

Off I headed and I had to on the hilly bit take the first turn left along a side street then up and come back again next right then attempt the rest of the hill..
Success, I reached the yard then it ground to a halt..
it never ever started or turned again, cut up on the spot..
month later, a new smaller one is delivered..
It had been a 'move'
It never compared or rolled the laid tar the same as more rolling needed:ohmy:
Everything shovelled off the tar lorry into barrows or straight on to the surface and raked..
I can still smell the diesel..
Can you carry the unused ones from yesterday to today.
You missed one then. "Bob the road roller killer".
There were sufficient fuel in the tank, as in you didn't run it dry.

Now that's where I think you went wrong. Bob the Builder would just have set it out on it's own, you stayed on it.
Easier move, but as you say not as good a finish.
Did you get to have a go at doing any of the cutting?
That'll be the car outside.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Can you carry the unused ones from yesterday to today.
You missed one then. "Bob the road roller killer".
There were sufficient fuel in the tank, as in you didn't run it dry.

Now that's where I think you went wrong. Bob the Builder would just have set it out on it's own, you stayed on it.
Easier move, but as you say not as good a finish.
Did you get to have a go at doing any of the cutting?
That'll be the car outside.

Nah, fresh day ..
think it's one of those that reduces week by week, we'll see.

more Bob the bay city roller:cuppa:
never found out why it just died..
got dismantled next day, some scrap value....
used to love the noises it made ' skliffing' on tar..
much easier than laying the stuff sitting on one...

we also had an old wartime ex-military bowser which we sprayed paraquat on the pavements and road edges...
6am (5 am start Sats and Sun)start to avoid killing the public too:laugh:
and avoiding the midday sun, wearing yon crinkly old yellow waterproofs with the sou'wester hat, rubber gauntlets up to yer elbows and optional mask, I wore everything. brass lances about 6 ft long..
It was scary mary stuff...
you'd not get away with nowadays..

I still have my pesticide spraying records in my possession from 2012, 10 years on they can be destroyed..
mid October they'll be shredded...

anyhoo grease band on fruit trees, jeez, they are sticky then front rotor and new brake pads fitted to Polly, back still has plenty pad left...
Beag here for his tea..chaos:cuppa:


Leg End Member
Nah, fresh day ..
think it's one of those that reduces week by week, we'll see.

more Bob the bay city roller:cuppa:
never found out why it just died..
got dismantled next day, some scrap value....
used to love the noises it made ' skliffing' on tar..
much easier than laying the stuff sitting on one...

we also had an old wartime ex-military bowser which we sprayed paraquat on the pavements and road edges...
6am (5 am start Sats and Sun)start to avoid killing the public too:laugh:
and avoiding the midday sun, wearing yon crinkly old yellow waterproofs with the sou'wester hat, rubber gauntlets up to yer elbows and optional mask, I wore everything. brass lances about 6 ft long..
It was scary mary stuff...
you'd not get away with nowadays..

I still have my pesticide spraying records in my possession from 2012, 10 years on they can be destroyed..
mid October they'll be shredded...

anyhoo grease band on fruit trees, jeez, they are sticky then front rotor and new brake pads fitted to Polly, back still has plenty pad left...
Beag here for his tea..chaos:cuppa:
Set amount each day, bit unfair that you can't carry over unused calories.
You never checked before starting it!

You were right on two parts, name and roller. Even if you didn't have the roller for long.
Next day, you must have really knackered summat on it.

Glyphosphate became the weedkiller of choice. Now it's bad for peoples health, so they don't use it.
More to give you time to get it on before the sun hits it. Fun getting kitted out in all that stuff, especially when you know it's going to be a warm day ahead.
They just changed the name on the bottles, still available.

Any reason for keeping them. Council should have had their records.

Fruit trees, the new ones recently bought.
Did you tell him there's no cake or biscuits.

Old ones not stopping you quick enough for yer liking.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Set amount each day, bit unfair that you can't carry over unused calories.
You never checked before starting it!

You were right on two parts, name and roller. Even if you didn't have the roller for long.
Next day, you must have really knackered summat on it.

Glyphosphate became the weedkiller of choice. Now it's bad for peoples health, so they don't use it.
More to give you time to get it on before the sun hits it. Fun getting kitted out in all that stuff, especially when you know it's going to be a warm day ahead.
They just changed the name on the bottles, still available.

Any reason for keeping them. Council should have had their records.

Fruit trees, the new ones recently bought.
Did you tell him there's no cake or biscuits.

Old ones not stopping you quick enough for yer liking.

I used glyphosate for gawd knows how many years....
atlazine was the weedkiller of choice before they banned it
I still use it for spot treating..(glyphosate)
I did this before they came to finish and repair the drainage, The left patch was treated with glyphosate and the right with the newer Roundup (not glyphosate)

two weeks after treatment.. both amateur market products..
I have certificates for pesticide application coming out my erchie, not a newbie mistake..
I can even spray near water...can't remember the code for it though
now a 1.8m tall double slatted fence..
I've tried other amateur products but just try to find a glyphosate AI one...

as the person in charge and each person is responsible for the records although I incorporated theirs into and highlighted who did what and it's a ten year keep, I did a photocopy of everything and left it with them, new boss came in and threw them out and got a written warning for doing it, I had to supply the replacements...I even got a call regarding a job four years after I left...

Nay, next day was the chance to get rid of it in case they wanted someone to look at it

Beag and I topped it off by a McFlurry on his way home....


Leg End Member
I used glyphosate for gawd knows how many years....
atlazine was the weedkiller of choice before they banned it
I still use it for spot treating..(glyphosate)
I did this before they came to finish and repair the drainage, The left patch was treated with glyphosate and the right with the newer Roundup (not glyphosate)
View attachment 662628
two weeks after treatment.. both amateur market products..
I have certificates for pesticide application coming out my erchie, not a newbie mistake..
I can even spray near water...can't remember the code for it though
now a 1.8m tall double slatted fence..
I've tried other amateur products but just try to find a glyphosate AI one...

as the person in charge and each person is responsible for the records although I incorporated theirs into and highlighted who did what and it's a ten year keep, I did a photocopy of everything and left it with them, new boss came in and threw them out and got a written warning for doing it, I had to supply the replacements...I even got a call regarding a job four years after I left...

Nay, next day was the chance to get rid of it in case they wanted someone to look at it

Beag and I topped it off by a McFlurry on his way home....
Amazing the difference the "same product" can give when used
You can still get paraquat under it's current name of Gramoxone 250.

Most of my usage has been on an agricultural basis. Agricultural products, not the cheap stuff sold in garden centers.

Surprised you still have your records, once you left the job. As for where you keep yer certificates, doesn't that get a bit uncomfortable after a while.

The minute you get rid of them, someone will ask for them. You know that much.

No cake at home!!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning:hello:
Bob's been fed..
the plants too..
Car has and the full valet apart from the driver hoovering the inside..
slacking again, must have words...
Amazing the difference the "same product" can give when used
You can still get paraquat under it's current name of Gramoxone 250.

Most of my usage has been on an agricultural basis. Agricultural products, not the cheap stuff sold in garden centers.

Surprised you still have your records, once you left the job. As for where you keep yer certificates, doesn't that get a bit uncomfortable after a while.

The minute you get rid of them, someone will ask for them. You know that much.

No cake at home!!

Gramoxone is an old old name..
what would i have been horticultural or amenity leisure...who cares now:laugh:
my spraying would have been done over 40 odd years...
Ten year in place for what I have done....
funnily old workmate called late last night but as is now only bad news..

the grass was note the word, was getting it but I'm finished for the day...


Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
Bob's been fed..
the plants too..
Car has and the full valet apart from the driver hoovering the inside..
slacking again, must have words...

Gramoxone is an old old name..
what would i have been horticultural or amenity leisure...who cares now:laugh:
my spraying would have been done over 40 odd years...
Ten year in place for what I have done....
funnily old workmate called late last night but as is now only bad news..

the grass was note the word, was getting it but I'm finished for the day...
Were you and the plants fed at the same time?

I'd be having words with whoever should have done it. They've been caught slacking.

Gramoxone became Gramoxone100, which is now sold as Gramoxone250.
Made in 'Uddersfield.

Amenity and Leisure, reason, you'll have done everything at your leisure, if you were amenable.
Now you're a man of leisure!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Were you and the plants fed at the same time?

I'd be having words with whoever should have done it. They've been caught slacking.

Gramoxone became Gramoxone100, which is now sold as Gramoxone250.
Made in 'Uddersfield.

Amenity and Leisure, reason, you'll have done everything at your leisure, if you were amenable.
Now you're a man of leisure!

not with the Boss I have:cuppa:
All this banning of other chemicals and paraquat still on the go....
reminds me to spot treat weeds next still evening....


Leg End Member
not with the Boss I have:cuppa:
All this banning of other chemicals and paraquat still on the go....
reminds me to spot treat weeds next still evening....
The boss can't see what you posted, can they. You might be put on a bread n'water diet. No cake!!
Odd in a way, just rename it and its gone. Not there.
Still evening, there's no hint of a breeze down here. You got wind up there.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
The boss can't see what you posted, can they. You might be put on a bread n'water diet. No cake!!
Odd in a way, just rename it and its gone. Not there.
Still evening, there's no hint of a breeze down here. You got wind up there.

Personally, no..:cuppa:
but I had pork casserole for me tea:ohmy:


14.8 kph at most....
average ? 1 kph...

Cake? what's cake:wacko:


Leg End Member
Personally, no..:cuppa:
but I had pork casserole for me tea:ohmy:

View attachment 662710
14.8 kph at most....
average ? 1 kph...

Cake? what's cake:wacko:
You're safe then?
Is that a bad sign or a good sign.

Only picked up earlier when the rain started. Now both have gone, for now.

You're being tortured and have had your mind cleared. Cake, [/I]"a sweet, baked, breadlike food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring."[/I]

You said you liked it, many times before today.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You're safe then?
Is that a bad sign or a good sign.

Only picked up earlier when the rain started. Now both have gone, for now.

You're being tortured and have had your mind cleared. Cake, [/I]"a sweet, baked, breadlike food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring."[/I]

You said you liked it, many times before today.


Forgot, 99 got 61....
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