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Leg End Member
View attachment 659355

dats Throb..... 1, 2, or 4..
no 3 though....
on the waterfall but not the waterfall as you know it....
apparently it sounds like something giving off a throb noise..
nothing about, might listen on that day...
there will be samples

colour coded? nah, paper labelled, much easier until they fall off:laugh:

I'm doing nothing except opening some beer later
Is there a THROB 8?
Something like a V8 engine you mean.
"They" might be listening in on those modes!

A small dab of paint on both plug and socket, with a different colour for each connection. Can be done using a cotton bud, just throw it when you're done, and there's two ends you can use.

You'll open but not sup it, I think you might be ill. I'd normally advise refreshments, but you don't seem bothered by them.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Is there a THROB 8?
Something like a V8 engine you mean.
"They" might be listening in on those modes!

A small dab of paint on both plug and socket, with a different colour for each connection. Can be done using a cotton bud, just throw it when you're done, and there's two ends you can use.

You'll open but not sup it, I think you might be ill. I'd normally advise refreshments, but you don't seem bothered by them.

It'll be something in the architecture of how it was built..
too many variances get confusing,
these has been a few crash and burns along the road with decent modes with too many variations..
the main one in 2009 /2010 PSK has 31, 63, 128, 256 (rarely used)..
variants were BPSK and QPSK..and others
so you see not wanting for choice, obviously 31, 63 then 128 were the most popular

A distant cousin of PSK has a Hollywood connection, your search for tonight, a very surprising (and very pretty) connection..
clue.. frequency hopping...

Blazing Saddles:laugh:


Leg End Member
It'll be something in the architecture of how it was built..
too many variances get confusing,
these has been a few crash and burns along the road with decent modes with too many variations..
the main one in 2009 /2010 PSK has 31, 63, 128, 256 (rarely used)..
variants were BPSK and QPSK..and others
so you see not wanting for choice, obviously 31, 63 then 128 were the most popular

A distant cousin of PSK has a Hollywood connection, your search for tonight, a very surprising (and very pretty) connection..
clue.. frequency hopping...

Blazing Saddles:laugh:
I was thinking along the lines of memory storage, 4-8-16-32-64-128, and there are some similarities.

Can't picture you crashing and burning on the road. Deserves a drink, once you're sorted.

We're not talking torpedoes here, are we?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I was thinking along the lines of memory storage, 4-8-16-32-64-128, and there are some similarities.

Can't picture you crashing and burning on the road. Deserves a drink, once you're sorted.

We're not talking torpedoes here, are we?

:okay:well done:cuppa:

One I watched earlier..
now if I won the lottery...
EMF problems I'd think



Leg End Member
:okay:well done:cuppa:

One I watched earlier..
now if I won the lottery...
EMF problems I'd think

I was watching a program that showed her efforts in getting her work taken seriously, because she was a Hollywood actress. But she knew people in the right places.

You mean it's not in your back garden!
All you've to do now is start doing the lottery. Then there's a chance of winning it.
Problems for who?


Legendary Member
It'll be something in the architecture of how it was built..
too many variances get confusing,
these has been a few crash and burns along the road with decent modes with too many variations..
the main one in 2009 /2010 PSK has 31, 63, 128, 256 (rarely used)..
variants were BPSK and QPSK..and others
so you see not wanting for choice, obviously 31, 63 then 128 were the most popular

A distant cousin of PSK has a Hollywood connection, your search for tonight, a very surprising (and very pretty) connection..
clue.. frequency hopping...

Blazing Saddles:laugh:

I remember the days when PSK31 was new, and waiting whilst someone typed out every detail of their station:


Leg End Member
I'm not sure I could!

A Yaesu ft840 is an old transceiver (transmitter + receiver)
The other stuff is unnecessary detail about the computer a radio ham is using to create the PSK31 signal, which takes a while to transmit because PSK31 isn't very quick.
Just mentioning the equipment they're using.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I remember the days when PSK31 was new, and waiting whilst someone typed out every detail of their station:

I cut my teeth on PSK 31,
macros at first then I learned to type faster and could hold a conversation..
I'd say probably my favourite...

I did some recently on Fidigi but I just cannot get on with that program so uninstalled.

I took part in a JT9 activity contest last weekend,
up against some big hitters,
100 logs in now so panicking about being outside the top 100 this year ago.
Russian mob who have activity days and contests on the old data modes....

oh, got my first G on 2m FT8 using aircraft scatter quickly followed by a GW on Anglesey (not Aberthingy:laugh:)...
only a G4 at Newcastle but have been spotted as far down as Bristol but only running 15w into a 2m collinear in the loft..

my latest side project.. HERE

Hope all is well with you

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I was watching a program that showed her efforts in getting her work taken seriously, because she was a Hollywood actress. But she knew people in the right places.

You mean it's not in your back garden!
All you've to do now is start doing the lottery. Then there's a chance of winning it.
Problems for who?

anybody standing near it, these folks don't use low power, be running 1 kw or something through that.
Just leave your frying pan with eggs and bacon handy:laugh:

The size of that, I could rest it on the surrounding roofs without the need for a tower:becool:
I'm off, been a long day...

It's not Hedy.....


Leg End Member
anybody standing near it, these folks don't use low power, be running 1 kw or something through that.
Just leave your frying pan with eggs and bacon handy:laugh:

The size of that, I could rest it on the surrounding roofs without the need for a tower:becool:
I'm off, been a long day...

It's not Hedy.....
They tried cooking a chicken with a ships radar and a commercial radio ariel on Mythbusters, neither worked.

Would the roofs take the weight though.
Early to bed, early to rise...

Definitely not torpedoes then.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morn fine people:hello:
Have a :cuppa:

They tried cooking a chicken with a ships radar and a commercial radio ariel on Mythbusters, neither worked.

Would the roofs take the weight though.
Early to bed, early to rise...

Definitely not torpedoes then.

Panic is on...
102 logs in:laugh:

I'm sure it is brighter in here since I cleaned the inside windows...
I could move the desk the other way:ohmy:


Leg End Member
Good morn fine people:hello:
Have a :cuppa:

Panic is on...
102 logs in:laugh:

I'm sure it is brighter in here since I cleaned the inside windows...
I could move the desk the other way:ohmy:
You know what, I will!

Still in with a chance, with two days remaining. You give in too easily.

Nah, that's just yer imagination playing tricks on you. It wants to get you doing all the windows, be careful.
Wait whilst the young in is round, he can help you move the desk.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You know what, I will!

Still in with a chance, with two days remaining. You give in too easily.

Nah, that's just yer imagination playing tricks on you. It wants to get you doing all the windows, be careful.
Wait whilst the young in is round, he can help you move the desk.

I'm just keeping the daftness going...
another two added:laugh:

Did a 28 today....
chuffed with myself...
mind you still feeling any trip out..
I had to do the extra 8 to turn a round number for the month:cuppa:

Enjoying the rest of the day before I get lectures tomorrow at annual MOT....:laugh:
(more bloods)
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