Tea? (Part 4)

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I don't like places like Drayton Manor Park or Alton towers. I hate all those rides. I'm def not a fan.

I'm with you there, WD40!


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Afternoon all :cuppa:

Back from my ride, looks like it was good timing as well, the blue skies are gone and now threatening looking (but according to the Met Office that's all they're going to be) dark grey clouds have drifted over. 50k but a lot hillier than my 62 one on Wednesday. :smile:

That theme park thing never floats my boat either, my ex missus always wanted to take the kids to a local one at about a squillion quid a go while I was more keen on them getting outside into woodlands and rivers and stuff for free.. not cheapskate, just didn't see the point of training them to enjoy the illusion of risk as a thrill when we could go out and get proper scared at the top of a tree we'd climbed for nowt.

May sleep now at any time...:tired:


Legendary Member
Well, I hope you can get some silky smooth treatment soon, them mechanic sorts can be a bit oily but they know how to get your gears going. :smile:
Boke xx( Sorry, must have been that black pudding I had for lunch! :laugh:


Legendary Member
Is it not more?
fourth day if you include Tuesday..

The last theme park I was in was Oakwood near Mikey's fave place..
The wooden rollercoaster was an experience..:ohmy:

The only roller coaster I've ever ridden on was the wooden grand national at Blackpool, I didn't want to go to Blackpool or ride on the roller coaster but I did, just the once. And never again. :thumbsdown:
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