Tea? (Part 4)

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I don't like places like Drayton Manor Park or Alton towers. I hate all those rides. I'm def not a fan.


Legendary Member
Good morning La Rue :hello:

That was awful wasn't it, couldn't believe it took staff 11 mins to phone for emergency services, shameful.

My bike is in the shop having steerer cut & some changes made, (I was supposed to do this 6 weeks ago but was struggling for cash/spent it on other stuff).

Signed up for the Great Manchester Cycle but only for the 26 as I am still struggling with my back & I am quite unfit, under trained.

The weather has missed the Cosmopolitan Principality of Athertonia so far & we are basking in 20° of warm air & broken sun/cloud cover.

Hope your all having a great friday :thumbsup:

Afternoon Mr Centurion
There are some serious questions about the way things were conducted during the emergency listening to the news


Legendary Member
More likely everything goes to the top of the chain to decide what to do...
places like that do not thrive on bad publicity if anything happens...

Isn't it 3rd day closed today?


World class procrastinator
Waiting now for the trainer chap, from new job, to show up. Ah, text just arrived, here in 20 minutes

Flat is tidy. Sofas moved and hoovered (and mopped) beneath. Kitchen blitzed and all the sticky stuff on all the counters is off - it wasn't there last night so have no idea how it got there. I will hoover the bedrooms after work.
Cuppa made and now for a little guitar practice.
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