Tea? (Part 4)

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Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
I'm in! :cuppa:

I'm out...:bicycle:

Shaking it all about.. (not Saturday Night Fever 1977 ish @stephec or jogging Mummy's ish @Bobby Mhor ) :hello:


In the past I have been at tours series races and have been up to the Downing brothers and Ed Clancy and asked them for autographs and they are lovely people only too happy to oblige.
Not to many sports where you can wonder up to a gold medalist and ask for an autograph.
Spent some time chatting to Malcolm Elliott a couple of times. Just wander up to him also I work with one of his old team mates who said to give him his regards. Another top bloke Malcolm.
One of the Madison Genesis lads lives near me and we often see him down the cafe on a Tuesday when I can get out. He rides with some of my other mates, again a cracking nice friendly approachable lad.

Hopefully cycling will remain like this.

I agree, I think it's great (especially for kids) that they are so accessible - not having been on the "scene" for very long it really surprised me that if they are home they come out on our cafe runs. They were both guests at our club prize giving too, giving up their precious spare time when there was no incentive (except a free meal) for them. Top sportswomen.


Legendary Member
Charlene signed up as well last minute (it's her local race) and the 2 of them were well out in front, Charlene pipped it from Eileen at the end. Had a quick chat with them both at the end, really nice down to earth girls who are so appreciative of what they have and where they have come from.
How did Kirsty from near me fair? She is coming along well just now. Lost loads of weight and bought a couple of new bikes since she first started. She would leave me well in her wake now.

Had a tootle over the Sheriffmuir this morning. Unfortunately I had expended most of my energy zooming along to Dunblane then kind of run out at the bottom of the Sheriffmuir climb.....not ideal! Was a bit of a pea souper up there followed by a heavy rain shower.

Breakfast always feels good after a decent ride. Definitely need another cuppa before I do anything though.


How did Kirsty from near me fair? She is coming along well just now. Lost loads of weight and bought a couple of new bikes since she first started. She would leave me well in her wake now.

Had a tootle over the Sheriffmuir this morning. Unfortunately I had expended most of my energy zooming along to Dunblane then kind of run out at the bottom of the Sheriffmuir climb.....not ideal! Was a bit of a pea souper up there followed by a heavy rain shower.

Breakfast always feels good after a decent ride. Definitely need another cuppa before I do anything though.

Ah is that Kirsty Ellis from Kinross CC? Yeah she did well, in that I don't think she finished last! And I'm not being flippant, it's a really tough course so I admire anyone who managed to complete it. Yeah Kirsty is doing really well, she completed the Black Route in the Kinross Sportive as well. At one point last night she shouted that she hated cobbles! I posted a pic of her in action on FB.


World class procrastinator
Morning all.
After dog walking, tea drinking and sorting out the bedroom, I have discovered that the living room is a total tip - I honestly don't know how he does it as it was fine last night. I see an hour of clearing up after Hubster now. I really really have no idea how he trails so much mess and rubbish everywhere he goes. I've found a pile of stuff to be thrown away near the bin. Not in the bin, just near it :banghead: The single life is seriously starting to appeal to me.


Legendary Member
I agree, I think it's great (especially for kids) that they are so accessible - not having been on the "scene" for very long it really surprised me that if they are home they come out on our cafe runs. They were both guests at our club prize giving too, giving up their precious spare time when there was no incentive (except a free meal) for them. Top sportswomen.

Only problem with these pros is that pottering is eyeballs out for ordinary folk!!!!


Legendary Member
Just gave the byre its weekly muck out..(the loo to you southerners)
( also done on odd days)
43 toiletry containers around the bath alone..
3 women in the house and 41 are theirs:rolleyes:

and no, they don't work:laugh:

Sitting with a lovely:cuppa: before one carries on where Flash takes me...

Very domesticated Bobby


I am your Father
Morning Mr Centurion
Good job you didn't have Alton Towers booked
Good morning La Rue :hello:

That was awful wasn't it, couldn't believe it took staff 11 mins to phone for emergency services, shameful.

My bike is in the shop having steerer cut & some changes made, (I was supposed to do this 6 weeks ago but was struggling for cash/spent it on other stuff).

Signed up for the Great Manchester Cycle but only for the 26 as I am still struggling with my back & I am quite unfit, under trained.

The weather has missed the Cosmopolitan Principality of Athertonia so far & we are basking in 20° of warm air & broken sun/cloud cover.

Hope your all having a great friday :thumbsup:
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