Tea? (Part 4)

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My wife does that... makes something completely different to what I said out of what I said. You get points for it at least being vaguely in the correct area though. :rolleyes:

'I'm not much of a cake man' are not the same words as 'I don't like cake', this is apparent when you compare the words. For explaining that I didn't like cake I might have used the words 'I don't like cake'. I didn't.

I don't like tea as much as coffee. Notice that I don't say I don't like tea, I just like coffee better. I have a cup of tea at the moment. It's a time of day thing I think. Oh, and an apple. I. Like. Apples.

I'm not much of a Yorkshire man. :smile:

So let me get this straight - what you're saying is...

... you hate Bananas?!?


True, but sadly this time what she was after when she was heading into town was for me. :rolleyes:

We had a broken induction hob replaced by the insurance, my wok worked perfectly on the old one, the new Neff one didn't want to know so she was off to get a new wok for me because apparently she can't live without my Asian cooking. :smile:

That's what they all say!!
That's odd, click on my avatar
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