Tea? (Part 4)

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@Fubar get round there and sort him out :hyper:

The cake Gods will take their retribution.


I am your Father

As advertised in the CTC cycle magazine this month...
They would go lovely with some beige shorts & a lovely trilby. :whistle:


I am your Father
Morning peeps. Back over to the folks first thing to take both of them to early chiropody appointments so going to miss the brief window of half decent weather before 48 hours of strong winds and rain descends :rain::cry:

Just going to take pooch for half an hour and get brekkie on my return.
Good morning our Mo :hello:

Have a lovely day with your folks & your doggie :thumbsup:


105% knowledge on 105
Getting slightly brighter and rain is nearly off. No sign of the dreaded strong wind so hoping it is the same for all the brave guys and gals doing the 3 Pistes sportive this morning. Good luck to @Edwardoka , @Louch and @tug benson and any others on here.
the wind found us all :sad:
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