Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Who's for a nice cuppa?
Worlds largest Cup.jpg


Legendary Member
Well it was me on that stanway bank segment. Can't link to it on this phone.

At least you got up it @BrianEvesham, fair play to you :okay:
That was the first time I have ever been up it, and reckon its by far the easiest of the ones I have done.
I reckon Snows Hill is the next easiest.
Personally I think the toughest is probably Dovers, followed by Saintbury and Bakers. Only ever come down Fish Hill as its just too busy to want to get involved with.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Hang on, it's after eight.. lets all have a mint.. and a cuppa of course. :cuppa:

Velo fettled, smooth and silky again instead of sandy and scratchy..sadly it looks like I can keep it. :sad: Until the wheels break anyway, the rims are thin now. Long game needed on the GT Grade. :angel:


Leg End Member
Hang on, it's after eight.. lets all have a mint.. and a cuppa of course. :cuppa:

Velo fettled, smooth and silky again instead of sandy and scratchy..sadly it looks like I can keep it. :sad: Until the wheels break anyway, the rims are thin now. Long game needed on the GT Grade. :angel:
Try without brake blocks. Or I can lend you a set of my homemade ones!
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