Tea? (Part 4)

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I am your Father
Morning everyone. Off to buy my daughter a new bike this afternoon after work.
:wahhey: :dance: :wahhey:

Bet she is chuffed to bits @busman ?

Is she old enough to go cycling with you ?

Oh & good morning :thumbsup:


I am your Father
Tomorrow will be a fitting start to our Winter: 3°C minimum and 11 maximum. :cold: Doona, wherefore art thou?
Evenin' @Shut Up Legs :hello:

You don't mind if I can't feel sorry for you do you ? :biggrin:

Lovely, beautiful country, gorgeous beaches, mountains & proper summers.

Are you back to lot's of cycling now ? Outside of your commute I mean.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I can forget what I did yesterday never mind last month or last year!
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