Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Getting slightly brighter and rain is nearly off. No sign of the dreaded strong wind so hoping it is the same for all the brave guys and gals doing the 3 Pistes sportive this morning. Good luck to @Edwardoka , @Louch and @tug benson and any others on here.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Marmite, invented by the Gods and consumed by bright, handsome and intelligent people with glee.
And me. :smile:


I am your Father
Morning all.
I had a good lay in after my 9.30pm bedtime last night.
I feel not too bad today.
I have my eldest son and his girlfriend arriving tomorrow afternoon, as my other son is 21 on Tuesday.
I got free rail tickets so we're off to Stirling on Tuesday for food and drinks and a wander. But for now it's housework! At least the spare room is always ready so no work to do there!
Breakfast I think....
Good morning SL :hello:

Bike driving you up the wall still.


I am your Father
Good Morning all..:cuppa:

Aston Villa eh? One day their Prince will come... Oh, he did but they still got thrashed! (Sorry TD, it was such a good line I had to use it :giggle:)

Right, having a proper fettle of the poor old Scott P3 today, I fear some terminal grinding noises but haven't been brave enough to really clean out the nitty gritty sand from it since we returned...today is the day...

New GT Grade is looking good if I can spin the damage line..:rolleyes:
Mornin' ID :hello:

That Grade is a cracker by all accounts, sure it was a group test winner in one of the many mags I read.

Universally loved by the cycling press peeps anyway :thumbsup:
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