Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
At the time that picture would have been taken, I'd have been in the river, helping with placement of water pumps. 17 in use at any one time.


Both bikes had a wee test ride.
The hybrid is running like a dream, the MTB runs like a bucket of poo!
The gears are skipping when I pedal, but on the stand they seem fine! I had this before and couldn't sort it and it ended up going into the LBS.
I need it for tomorrow so guess I'd better get it on the stand!

If you have replaced the chain it will highlight worn, cassette and/or chainrings - sometimes the whole chainset needs done at once. On the stand there is no pressure on the pedals, therefore no effect on the worn parts.



We'll call that Plan Z.


Legendary Member
If you have replaced the chain it will highlight worn, cassette and/or chainrings - sometimes the whole chainset needs done at once. On the stand there is no pressure on the pedals, therefore no effect on the worn parts.

I have had that with a new chain, it highlighted a worn cassette on the winter bike. Cassette appeared perfect and shiny when cleaned, changed it, perfect even your couldn't see visible signs of wear.


I have had that with a new chain, it highlighted a worn cassette on the winter bike. Cassette appeared perfect and shiny when cleaned, changed it, perfect even your couldn't see visible signs of wear.

Yeah, I replaced a chain on my winter bike and was running fine on the stand - as soon as I put pressure on the pedals it skipped like crazy. Would only work in the big ring. I'll wager that's what happened with @ScotiaLass too.
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