Tea? (Part 4)

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The great unwashed would fill our aging ground twice in the season plus after last night, I think they would be straight back down..

TBH I think the last thing Scottish football needs is more derby matches with 2 sets of supporters spewing bile at each other - we have Dons v Tims for that!


Legendary Member
Buzzing Mr Choo?
a BIG day tomorra:okay:

I actually watched the 2nd half of the Rangers / Motherwell game last night...
for my team I'd be glad to see Rangers stay down (for financial reasons of course)

Hi Bob
Yes tomorrow is a big day, hopefully we can bury the ghost of the disgraceful 2000 performance, but if we perform like we have done in the last 2 games, it could be a half time declaration :sad:
Lets hope we have got a mistakes out of the way for tomorrow and it's a one off game so here's hoping. It's the only one I haven't seen us win, but as I have said to you it's such a shame I can't be up in Glasgow.
I bumped into one of my mates at the game last week that does a lot of Highland League games (big Wick fan) who also had a Caley final ticket but had to sell it as he got one for the final down here. He's a big mate of the lad in Inverness and he is also gutted and made a good point that this is the first time for a few years that both finals are on the same Saturday :sad:


Legendary Member
The great unwashed would fill our aging ground twice in the season plus after last night, I think they would be straight back down..

Looking at last nights result a very poor team, made light work of it, so as you say without a load of new players it would be yo yo time. They will probably end up with a load of crap Newcastle players that aren't good enough for them on loan.
The goings on at the 2 clubs are a joke with that clown Ashley at the helm.


Legendary Member
TBH I think the last thing Scottish football needs is more derby matches with 2 sets of supporters spewing bile at each other - we have Dons v Tims for that!

The one nice thing with watching the ICT games is that it is very relaxed compared to some of the things that go on down here in the EPL. I suppose as a small little club from the back of beyond they are not involved with all the hatred of some of the games.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I'm stuck today as Mrs Mhor has something getting delivered :okay:
plus something I'm waiting on from abroad is allegedly on its way (hopefully not just the dreaded customs card)..

Feet up after my duties and catch up on all the :bicycle:I've missed...
It pissed the whole day almost on Wednesday, Oban is not a place to be in the rain..
Thank heavens for the big Witherspoon pub on the pier

@172traindriver @the_mikey
Old stock :laugh:
old choo (600 x 450).jpg
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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
The one nice thing with watching the ICT games is that it is very relaxed compared to some of the things that go on down here in the EPL. I suppose as a small little club from the back of beyond they are not involved with all the hatred of some of the games.

I liked Prince William's explanation of why he is a Villa fan..
'Its for the emotional ride, all the ups and down'

the best way...


Legendary Member
I'm stuck today as Mrs Mhor has something getting delivered :okay:
plus something I'm waiting on from abroad is allegedly on its way (hopefully not just the dreaded customs card)..

Feet up after my duties and catch up on all the :bicycle:I've missed...
It pissed the whole day almost on Wednesday, Oban is not a place to be in the rain..
Thank heavens for the big Witherspoon pub on the pier

@172traindriver @the_mikey
Old stock :laugh:
View attachment 90177

Good old 156's, used to sign those years ago when I first passed out. I drove quite a few when I was with an instructor doing my handling. Not long after I passed out to drive to company got rid of them. Distant memory now.
Is that at Oban?
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