Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Morning folks. Seems I'm the last one here today, although I have been up a while. Bora da :hello:. Nasty here today. Have a good day everyone

Morning Mrs D :hello:
Did you enjoy your lie in?
Thought I wouldn't disturb you :okay:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good old 156's, used to sign those years ago when I first passed out. I drove quite a few when I was with an instructor doing my handling. Not long after I passed out to drive to company got rid of them. Distant memory now.
Is that at Oban?
as it is a single line, we had to wait until a freight train came through so a wee stretch of legs..
it was Tarbet /Arrochar


Middle Earth
Both bikes had a wee test ride.
The hybrid is running like a dream, the MTB runs like a bucket of poo!
The gears are skipping when I pedal, but on the stand they seem fine! I had this before and couldn't sort it and it ended up going into the LBS.
I need it for tomorrow so guess I'd better get it on the stand!


Legendary Member
The gears are skipping when I pedal, but on the stand they seem fine! I had this before and couldn't sort it and it ended up going into the LBS.
Sometimes I despair of bike gears. They always seem to run so sweetly when you get a new bike but within a few months it all gets a bit rough and I invariably make things worse if I start twisting barrel adjusters, etc.
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