Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Remember that one on the news last year.
Its also quite rough from what I remember years ago she I was up there on a course.
Mentioned DSG to you a while ago and I stayed in Haworth.
Rotherham springs to mind also
T'was quiet back then. They dare'nt go from Bradford to there, unless they can get out fast.


Brain picking time...

How would one (Oooh, get me, all Regal & posh)

How do ya' (that's better) go about receiving pay pal gift payments ?

I believe you can avoid charges this way & I want to avoid flea bay if possible.

What are the pro's & cons.

I have quite a bit of new/unused & boxed cycle stuff to put on the forum & think it would be better placed here than elsewhere.

I was wondering if receiving by 'gift' is a simple process.

I am going to set up a My Herpes (Hermes) account for shipping too.

Cheers Ears.

It's up to whoever's sending you the money to send it as a gift, all you do is give them your email that's linked to your PayPal account.

Once you've logged in there's a tab somewhere that's called - send money.

Then it asks you for the email of the person you're sending it to, and there's options of either paying for services or send as a gift.

There's not as much protection using it though.


Leg End Member
Just Popped In.jpg


Legendary Member
It's up to whoever's sending you the money to send it as a gift, all you do is give them your email that's linked to your PayPal account.

Once you've logged in there's a tab somewhere that's called - send money.

Then it asks you for the email of the person you're sending it to, and there's options of either paying for services or send as a gift.

There's not as much protection using it though.

A question of you don't mind please.
So if the sender uses the "gift" option does that stop tax?
Also is it a less safe option? How come?


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
How do ya' (that's better) go about receiving pay pal gift payments ?
Complicated this. You must a/ Have a PayPal acount and the giftee must have your email address. Ummmm...that's it. :okay:

Good Morning! :cuppa:

Everyone feeling fun and friendly? Good. Bit grey and threatening here but we won't let nasty conditions get in the way of a ride...
20150430_122058 cr.jpg

Dodgy knee joints may be another matter though. :laugh:
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