Tea? (Part 4)

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Hi Mr C
Looks like its been a quiet night.
No Brian for you to have a chat with.
I was fast asleep.

Morning teacups.


Legendary Member
Morning everyone. :hello:. The sun is out, but its surprisingly cold :cold:. Still, it should warm up. Bora da and have a good day everyone.
The sun did make a brief appearance here but seems to have disappeared and is now dull and breezy. My little legs were tired from yesterdays climbing so not long back a flattish 28 miles. Eaten my bird grit and had a mug of tea, but I feel the need for another cuppa before I head out for my walk.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morning folks:hello:
no :bicycle:today..
am off on a jolly to Oban
courtesy of Abellio ...

Have a nice day:okay:


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Good morning you fun and friendly online cycling community teepups. :cuppa:

Annual healthcheck at GP's this morning so have preened myself to look my best. Crippled but looking good. :becool:
Helpful to have South of France tan, although it stopping abruptly in the traditional sudden white/brown lines of the traditional cycling wear manner isn't. :rolleyes:
Docs is in same town as Sister lives, so having a coffee with her afterwards.
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