Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Evening. :cuppa:

At least you piped up Brian..:notworthy: Good luck with quickly finding future employ. :okay:

I had (homemade) fish and chips.. after a month in France it felt a bit dirty but it was very nice.:smile:
You found your keys then!


Leg End Member
One for @stephec
Guinness Chemistry.jpg


Leg End Member
I might be enjoying some of that tomorrow. :smile:

Off to Barnard Castle and might end up staying there.
They'll not let you out!


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
If you lost them in France.
All of our keys were together on a caribiner, although in separate sets... One day near the start the house keys accidentally detached from the caribiner and were spotted and retreived from the ground. One day near the end they weren't on the caribiner any more. We had no idea where they were now and turned the car upside down, as well as every bag and pocket we could find. The next day we travelled to Spain to catch the ferry. They're in France.:smile:


Leg End Member
All of our keys were together on a caribiner, although in separate sets... One day near the start the house keys accidentally detached from the caribiner and were spotted and retreived from the ground. One day near the end they weren't on the caribiner any more. We had no idea where they were now and turned the car upside down, as well as every bag and pocket we could find. The next day we travelled to Spain to catch the ferry. They're in France.:smile:
They'll turn up the minute you have the locks changed and paid for.
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