Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
And we're awaiting tomorrow showing up.

With baited breath :hyper:


Legendary Member
Morning Mr Choo:okay:

Hi Bob :hello:
Tried to avoid the rain so I went out just after 07:15 but for once the BBC weather forecast was spot on. Rain predicted at 09:00 and at 08:58 the first drops started.
Anyway the last 45 minutes were a bit of a soaking but at least I managed nearly 50 miles and got back for some breakfast and a cofee.
Just finished cleaning the bike and the kit is almost ready to come out of the washing machine.
At least I am happy to have got out and now for the last game of the season before the cup final next week :smile:


Naked Swedish women with CAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEE also, poor @Fubar with suffer a system overload :laugh:

You called?!? :addict:
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