Tea? (Part 4)

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I am your Father
I'm a bit later.............it's gloomy out there this morning so the sun didn't encourage me out of bed as quickly as yesterday. Surprise, surprise. It is still windy with the chance of showers. This must be one of the worst May months we have had for a long time.

Oh well, now that I'm up and had coffee I suppose I better have a wee spin.
Good morning Mo :hello:

Naff this May isn't it.

Done proper working now, just being ferried around back to my car.


I am your Father
Morning everyone, Aaaaawe today :ninja:
Good (not if your going to Abattoir) morning to ya Mikey :hello:


I am your Father
Morning teapups.
Feeling slightly better this morning, I think the antibiotics are kicking in, although I'm still wiped out.
Nothing planned for today - just trying to sort the rest of the kitchen out and maybe some online surfing.
Mornin' SL.

Be careful with that online surfing...

Can get expensive (if you have no self control like me).


Senior Member
I feel the need, the need for cake !!!!!:eek:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
What time's this to appear. I have been out on the bike and had breakfast. :laugh:
I know, you put me to shame...
I've just suited and booted up for my embarrassingly short ride(compared to yours)..
I have to make sure the Daughter of Darkness and her mother get out to work okay...
I have been wakened since about 5.30 but Reddit takes up too much time nowadays...
I never lay in bed until I got my Nexus...(it posts all over the place on the forum)
heart monitor on, electronics all in place..(I know for the speeds and distance I do)
I will hang my head in shame on my return...

Morning Bobby :hello:
Late to the mad house this morning :okay:
other stuff like dishes, breakfast, hanging out washing and putting more on etc.
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