Tea? (Part 4)

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I am your Father


Must have plenty free time on the Isle of Man.


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Legendary Member
Production manager is now on holiday for two weeks. I've been informed that the two directors don't want to be bothered with the pettiness that is the day to day running of there company. You couldn't make it up.
Going to be fun for a while round here.
Really hope the bus company comes good.

Strange about the directors. Ultimately their profits going down the drain


Legendary Member
Good GRIEF !!!!

What time do you call this ?

:tired: :hello:

Bright and early this morning Mr Centurion :hello:


Legendary Member
I'm a bit later.............it's gloomy out there this morning so the sun didn't encourage me out of bed as quickly as yesterday. Surprise, surprise. It is still windy with the chance of showers. This must be one of the worst May months we have had for a long time.

Oh well, now that I'm up and had coffee I suppose I better have a wee spin.

Morning Mo :hello:
Awful month, but I suppose its payback for last month which the sunniest since records began :sad:


I am your Father
Oh I could believe it. Assaulted at work and spent over four hours taped to a spinal board in A&E, having split my skull open.
All they were interested in was keeping the shop open.
Not 'liking' that if you get me ?

Our lot are currently covering their eyes & ears & going "La, La, La" burying what they have been told about drivers hours & illegal driving without breaks, because if they acknowledged the problem, we could & would refuse to work on that bus.

It will take someone to get seriously injured, killed or sued for them to make changes.

Productivity is King above safety.



I am your Father
Bright and early this morning Mr Centurion :hello:
Morning TD :hello:

Yeah, I have got the worlds easiest shift.

About 3hrs 20m long (if the bus wasn't late) & only 1 journey out to Trafford Centre & 2 buses back to car but not working those.

Hoping for an email by the time I get back to the car, so I can go straight to Evans for my cycling goodies & avoid 2 trips. :thumbsup:
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