Tea? (Part 4)

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Managed to get in this morning without waking the whole household up!

Ovaltine it is then :cuppa:


Leg End Member


Legendary Member
Good GRIEF !!!!

What time do you call this ?

:tired: :hello:
I'm a bit later.............it's gloomy out there this morning so the sun didn't encourage me out of bed as quickly as yesterday. Surprise, surprise. It is still windy with the chance of showers. This must be one of the worst May months we have had for a long time.

Oh well, now that I'm up and had coffee I suppose I better have a wee spin.
Morning Early T-birdes @Mo1959 and @SteCenturion, it is a bit dreich this morning.

No exams today do it's back to classes to do a bit of pest control.
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