Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
This sort of thing?



  • may-meccano-moto-in-mostra-al-national-motor-museum-a-beaulieu-meccano-bike-arriving-at-beaulieu.jpg
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How's the door?
Still on it's Hinges with a fist size hole in it.


Leg End Member
Production manager is now on holiday for two weeks. I've been informed that the two directors don't want to be bothered with the pettiness that is the day to day running of there company. You couldn't make it up.
Going to be fun for a while round here.
Really hope the bus company comes good.
Oh I could believe it. Assaulted at work and spent over four hours taped to a spinal board in A&E, having split my skull open.
All they were interested in was keeping the shop open.
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