Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Quick question for all you knowledgeable types. My front brakes scream like a banshee when I use them, what can I do to stop this, I take it wd40 on them is not the answer?

Discs or blocks?

If blocks, give the rims a good clean. Drop the wheel out, what state are the blocks in? Any foreign matter embedded?
Get some fine sand paper and rub the blocks, it can help


I am your Father
After my wet commute home, my bike was starting to make clicky, squeaky noises. I just oiled it, spun the chain and watched black goo come out of it, wiped the excess, then oiled it again. I also sprayed grease on the pedal springs. It's all ready for tomorrow, now. Let the Velorution commence!
Good evening SUL :hello:

Just about 9.12 p.m in Victoria so you must be settled down & chillin' for the night.


I am your Father
Good news for insomniacs..

only 3 sleeps until Xmas..

Good afternoon peeps:hello:
Forecast was right winds to rise mid morning, sadly anything from either side of S to N is almost in my face no matter how I head home.
25 ml in the bag..even did some hills:ohmy:
Freshen up then a:cuppa:
Good afternoon Master Robert Minion Mhor (sounds very aristocratic put that way) :hello:

Why have you got 25ml in a bag ? Surely it will just seep out ?

Stick it in a bottle chap. :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Morning Mikey :hello:

Day off or an upgrade to Normalsville ???

It's a temporary blip, there's a big outstanding software update waiting for Abertawe but not enough software engineering people to deal with the fallout / bug fixes when it's eventually deployed. It will happen soon though... :sad:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good afternoon Master Robert Minion Mhor (sounds very aristocratic put that way) :hello:

Why have you got 25ml in a bag ? Surely it will just seep out ?

Stick it in a bottle chap. :thumbsup:
I keep harking back to a bygone ages when meters were something you broke into to get the silver 1/- from..( and Ms Mo locked you up)
a day when gay meant 'happy'
a day when MacMillan said 'You never have had it so good'
when innocence meant just that..and when Bob was a boy and Bing was king.

I well refer to it in its proper sense but until then..

go *fit your own phrase* in here..pedant.:okay:
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