Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Morning. I know. Quite often the ends fall off at the worst time. :whistle:

Past experiences? :blush:


Getting there, one ride at a time.
Quick question for all you knowledgeable types. My front brakes scream like a banshee when I use them, what can I do to stop this, I take it wd40 on them is not the answer?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Quick question for all you knowledgeable types. My front brakes scream like a banshee when I use them, what can I do to stop this, I take it wd40 on them is not the answer?
Mines do too..
I just live with it..
but if they are seriously sounding bad, if discs check immediately..for blocks, one of the roadies will put you right..
No oils or oily sprays near discs or blocks...

or you won't stop
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