Tea? (Part 4)

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Middle Earth
:hello: SL

Good luck with shifting the lurgy :okay:

You seem to have gone through a few saddles there, are you struggling to find one that suits you ?
Thanks and yes....I like the MTB one but I get sore after about 20 miles and now regularly do 30 on it. The new one has just arrived and is now on.
The hybrid seat was never comfortable so we'll see how the new one goes :smile:


Getting there, one ride at a time.
I plan to touch base 24-7, grab some of that low-hanging fruit, do some blue-sky thinking and jump from lily pad to lily pad avoiding the alligators (all phrases I have heard in meetings here :rolleyes:)
My favourite is 'going forward' I actually found myself using it the other day, I felt queasy!

Morning all, It started off lovely here so I cylcled the long way to work. It has now clouded over so I feel a soaking wet journey home coming on :sad: Still loving my world at the moment so I don't care!


Legendary Member
I'd get a cat, because I'm fed up with being alone. The only problem is that I'm renting, and moving every several years is almost inevitable. Since cats hate moving, I can't bring myself to subject a cat to that.
Have one as an indoor cat. They are perfectly happy if kept indoors from a kitten. A bonus is they rely on you for playing and companionship so seem to be more affectionate plus no worries about getting into fights, chased by dogs, run over, etc. When you move they would just sniff out the new home and soon settle down again.
Do you not just go onto the standard rate/conditions that all the FT drivers are on ?
Oh no. I'm special! :laugh:

I need to stay self employed so have a different rate. Asked for a raise if I come FT (well 4 days a week) :shy:
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Morning all.
Day 5 of the lurgy. I am not in a good mood! Who knew one person could produce so much 'gunk'!!
On a better note, my hybrid saddle arrived yesterday and is on the bike and my MTB saddle is due today.
I have a Belles beginners ride tonight so as it's short I will attempt it.
Been busy clearing out kitchen cupboards, Mr SL is putting up some shelving today.
Did you put the saddle on all by yourself?
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