Tea? (Part 4)

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Senior Member
Morning everyone :hello:.
Had a busy weekend end in Birmingham but glad to be home.
Morning all. Thank you for the bluebells @Mo1959
Been on it for different reasons, and seen you posted elsewhere.
How bad were my postings elsewhere? I think I am a little more with it today.
Looking at your other post on mundane news it sounds quite positive, your body's in the right position and you can walk about, hopefully things will get better for you. :smile:
It is positive, it's just very positive about being very sore right now!

Oh lordy, the kitten just farted. How can such a strong and revolting smell come from such a small and cute animal? xx(.

Καλημέρα :hello:

It's starting to get quite hot these days/nights
You should try an Irish wolf hound with diarrhea... I had to resort to cutting the uncleanable fur off his rear end xx(

:laugh: .........and they never seem to notice themselves, unlike dogs who usually turn and look at their rear end as if to say, what on earth was that!
When dusty gets up and leaves the room we know it is a really bad one and it is time to leave the house!
Sorry all animal lovers, but I'm glad I don't have any pets anymore. No dog/cat hair. No smells, no drooling. No trying to hide in the bed. No vet bills. No more spending large amounts of money on food.
That's the best thing about other people's pets. I send them home at the end of the day, or at the very least get paid for looking after them!

Works well with children as well.


Legendary Member
Sorry all animal lovers, but I'm glad I don't have any pets anymore. No dog/cat hair. No smells, no drooling. No trying to hide in the bed. No vet bills. No more spending large amounts of money on food.
As much as I love mine, I am grudging the expense now that I'm not working. Just placed an order the other day for a couple of bags of dog food, some cat food and cat litter. £80, which is a big chunk out of my available monthly budget. I suspect I may not have another dog, but I do like having something in the house so would probably always have a cat I think.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
As much as I love mine, I am grudging the expense now that I'm not working. Just placed an order the other day for a couple of bags of dog food, some cat food and cat litter. £80, which is a big chunk out of my available monthly budget. I suspect I may not have another dog, but I do like having something in the house so would probably always have a cat I think.

I'll never have another pet. After spending thousands on them, and putting up with the smell etc, then after all that the bloody things go and die on you. No thanks. Never again.


Legendary Member
Morning everyone, back to Abertawe again..

Morning Mikey

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Try getting LED globes. I got one for a dining room lamp, and it's very reliable. They don't just go *POP* like the filament globes do.

Noted, Mr Legs:okay:
The word 'Globes' will no doubt be picked up on:whistle:

Jumped out in what I reckoned was a weather window, the wind did die BUT 3 miles out, I met the serious rain for about 16 miles and it dried 3 mile from home..
Drookit again and I was warned this morning 'Do not go out and get soaked today!'...
Youngest will grass me in..
Its not like the old days when the promise of a shiny penny would keep them schtum...

Anyhow I await the 'Look of disdain' or the more serious 'Bob you are in trouble' look...


Leg End Member
Hi, all. Sorry I haven't posted much. Just been going through a period where I didn't know what to say to anyone, really. But enough whinging.

Try getting LED globes. I got one for a dining room lamp, and it's very reliable. They don't just go *POP* like the filament globes do.

When I was younger (and a bit stupider), I pulled the tail of one of our house cats, and the bloody thing sprayed me, i.e. some vile-smelling diarrhoeia-like substance sprayed out of its rear end. I'll never try that one again.
What sort of cat did you have back then?
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