Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Off to work, catch you later

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Well Mr C I think I will be joining her.
Good Night Folks :hello:

Open relationship ?

Long distance. Very long distance. :laugh:

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Hi, all. Sorry I haven't posted much. Just been going through a period where I didn't know what to say to anyone, really. But enough whinging.

Late to the party:blush:
Bulb went bang in middle of the night, shattered all over the kitchen...
Try getting LED globes. I got one for a dining room lamp, and it's very reliable. They don't just go *POP* like the filament globes do.

Oh lordy, the kitten just farted. How can such a strong and revolting smell come from such a small and cute animal? xx(.
When I was younger (and a bit stupider), I pulled the tail of one of our house cats, and the bloody thing sprayed me, i.e. some vile-smelling diarrhoeia-like substance sprayed out of its rear end. I'll never try that one again.
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