Its always handy to have bones in your legs. It helps you to stand up so, I've heard. Without bones people tend to fall over, and we'd all end up being about 3 feet tall, then we'd never be able to reach the cupboards high up, or light switches or anytning else higher than 4 feet above the ground. It would be dammed inconvenient that's for sure.
and bob should be careful, as well. I have heard it is dangerous for men of a certain age where deflation is concerned. There comes a point in time when no amount of patches, and or blow jo's will be able to keep your tyre inflated, even if you have a non return valve. So always be careful when you pump your tyre.
Have I stumbled across a previously unseen episode of Are You Being Served here, or are you just auditioning for the part of Mrs Slocombe?